Visit to The Lake District - Summer 1957    RETURN

These photos come from an album kept by Michael Shakeshaft and passed to me soon after he and Marjorie passed away in January 2019.


  • They are not annotated; one or two have a few details on the back, but that is all.
  • I can find no reference to this trip in the "Janus" editions of 1957 Autumn or 1958.
  • Some boys may remember the trip and/or recognize themselves. In that case, it would be great if you could send me something to add to his small collection: more photos, anecdotes, explanations and so on.
  • You can do that here: Comments
    or direct to me at:

Michael organised and accompanied many school trips, especially in his early WHS years. For that and the rest of his devotion to the school we are forever grateful.

CS - March 2019