Ian Bell   :   52-60 English  -  Hm. Johnstons 1/59-3/61
organised theatrical productions & play readings in the library

Ron Gould - Corners 51-55:
"Ian Bell was wonderful. When he found out that I was from a Jewish family he told me some of his wartime experiences. He was in Military Intelligence; was one of the first British officers into Bergen-Belsen. He told me then that some of the things they found were still Official Secrets (this was 1955). There was a fictionalized documentary a few years back, but he was not mentioned. I contacted the director about the film, and was told that they were forbidden to mention Military Intelligence being there. I wonder what is still being kept under cover."

Nigel Fletcher - Halls 53-61: "I remember Ian Bell well. Fairly extreme left-wing views. Visited me in hospital (rugby) bringing Silas Marner for me to read."



Ian Bell