Mick Wenlock - Johnstons 65-70: "I met her a few times at various meetings in the Housemaster's apartment to watch some significant TV program or for a social call. As far as i know she never taught a class at Woolverstone but she played a very important role for me in my last year at Woolvo. In 1970 it was 'O level" time for the fifth. It was also the time I peaked in my unpleasant attitude. I managed to tick off two of my Teachers (Pete Sadler and Mr Shakeshaft) to the point where they banned me from their classrooms. I, of course, was the one who precipitated the blow by being a supremely objectional twat.
So in that spring term I spent those class periods either wandering aimlessly or studying in the 5th form common room at Johnstons. It took Edith about a week to gently knock on the door of the common room and to ask me if I was ill. I told her what I was doing. She asked if she could help me with the French revision - I had no idea until that point that she was a good linguist. For the rest of that term and then again in the summer term when there were no classes she persisted in stopping by a couple of times a week and taking me through exercises in French. It is because of her that I made my way through "La Chanson de Roland". For that feat alone she deserves my lifelong thanks."