Very many thanks for all the hard work you put in to what was a most enjoyable occasion. Long may we continue to gather in such relaxing surroundings. We Woolverstonians are a dying breed, though to see so many of our contemporary masters in such good health it would seem that we have time on our side for many future gatherings, preferably in the vicinity of the school. Here's to the next time. (David Otway)
The first thought is “How on earth are we ever going to improve on that?”.

To be more explicit, all of the component parts were just about perfect. Both Kay and I had a splendid time meeting old, and making new, friends at all the events that had been arranged for the weekend. The only problem being that there was so much to talk about that I am sure that I did not have time to chat with everyone. It was great see so many old Masters and their wives enjoying the company of those they had taught so many years ago. The affection for the school and all those associated with it was obvious.

I have not dared to go near the scales since the weekend, we seemed to move seamlessly from one repast to the next, and my willpower is not a good as it was. I especially enjoyed the dinner on Saturday at Mortimer’s Seafood Restaurant which started off ‘relaxed’ and got ever more so as the wine continued to flow.

To cap it all, the weather was glorious. Our thanks to all those who made it such a memorable occasion, especially all those who had a hand in organising the event. (Chris Fuller)

Many thanks to you and to Peter for organising such an enjoyable day. My wife, Ann and I were delighted to meet so many old boys and reminisce. What wonderful weather, too. (Colin Hawes)