From Facebook

Chris Snuggs - Berners/Halls 58-65: "What a moving account of his troubles and courage in overcoming them. Thank you Ginny. I never met Vin except on Facebook, where we seemed to share some fairly non-PC and robust views. I looked upon him as a thoroughly decent and honest guy with a social conscience and concern for his fellow man. I would have liked to meet him one day, but it was not to be - just one more box unchecked: should have made more of an effort to meet up.”

Jon Kemp - Corners 73-80: “Very sad to hear that. We agreed to not agree on politics, but were happy to find things we did agree on.”

Peter Warne - Corners 66-73: “Very sad. Sympathies to his family and friends.”

Chris Hopkirk - Halls 72-79: “Sad to hear this, I was always impressed by the way he vigorously defended his opinions. Jon Kemp, I will miss reading your competitive and passionate dialogues. I wouldn’t have dared to join in. Both of you so knowledgeable and both so right. My condolences to his family. RIP Vin.”

Peter Middleton - Corners 75-82: “Very sad, condolences to his family. Before my time but we debated our differing political views vigorously on Facebook.”

David Cordaroy - Hansons 70-76: “Sad to hear; Rest In Peace.”

Mike Wardell - Berners 58-62: “Shocking news. Talked a lot of sense in our discussions on line. Left us too young. God go with him. RIP.”

Harvey Angel - Hansons 64-71: “It shows you just how vulnerable we all are as we get older. What a shame that he's gone at what is now considered a relatively early age. Condolences to all his relatives.”