WHS Legend Peter Sadler - passed away on Saturday 25th March 2023
Grahame Wills - Corners 66-73: “Very sad news. He was a one- off - a real character. R.I.P.” Chris Snuggs - Berners/Halls 58-65: “Too much sadness recently. I didn't know him well even though we overlapped by a year or so at school, but he was by all accounts an absolute legend and a beautiful person. So sorry for your loss Tanja; another light in the world extinguished. Thank you for the news, Louis - sad though it is.” Frank Stuckey - Orwell 74-81: “So sorry for your loss a truly great character. My thoughts are with you and your family at this time.” Peter Warne - Corners 66-73: “Sympathies.” Jason Noah - UNKNOWN: “Really saddened to hear this news, Mr Sadler made a real difference and introduced me to a game I love. My thoughts are with you and your family.” Kevin Cooper - Orwell 80-85: “My condolences to you Tanja and family … fond memories and the Beanze phrase will stay forever." Chris Archer - Corners 66-71: “So sorry to hear this. Another legend of the school gone, but not forgotten.” Josh Dynevor - Hansons 66-73: “Very sad. For me he represented the best of Woolverstone.” Bambos Kyriacou - Halls 77-82: “My deepest condolences, Tanja Sadler. RIP Sir." Joe Quigley - Halls 83-88: “He was a top man! Very sharp, with a great sense of humour! 'Great catch - put him in the team'.” John Dawlings - Orwell 64-71: “Terribly sad news. A truly remarkable man, a wonderful teacher and a true gentleman.” Richard Hayter - Corners 65-71: “Sorry for your loss Tanja. Your Dad was a truly inspirational man and gave me and many others a love of history which I still pursue to this day.” Peter Alexander - Corners 64-71: “An exciting teacher and a wonderful role model with inspirational ability. Condolences on the loss of your Dad Tanja and one of our heroes.” Vivian Beresford - Berners 62-70: “So sad to hear the news. He taught me so much a lot of which was not on the curriculum. I probably became a teacher thanks to him.” Ron Munson - Berners 68-73: “Sad times. Good to have met up in the Summer.” Ranjit Singh Nagra - Nerners 80-85: “R.I.P. Sir.” Phil Anthistle - Berners 71-78: “Excellent Housemaster. R.I.P.” Colin Fludgate - Corners 69-76: “One marvellous piece of advice he gave us for essay writing: ‘Never mislay your spectacles. Always lose your glasses.’” Trevor Prior - Halls 73-80: “Very sorry to hear that news, our thoughts are with you and your family.” Dave Newman - Halls 82-87: “A sad day indeed. A lovely man and an inspirational teacher. God bless.” Jim Hayter - Corners 69-76: “Sad news Tanja. Your father was a very entertaining, knowledgeable man, who will be sorely missed by numerous old boys, I'm sure. Thoughts are with all his family.” Barry Clark - Hansons 58-65 & 86-90 : “So sorry for your your loss which will also be felt by us all.” Simon Jones: “R.I.P.” Iain Brewster - Berners 79-83: “What very sad news. Deepest sympathies.”
Andrew Campbell - Corners 68-??: “The fact that we all remember him so fondly 50-odd years after leaving school says it all. A life well lived.” Samuel Egembah - Orwell 82-87: “This is sad news. Mr Sandler thank you for everything nurturing talent in us. Much love, Sir. Rest in peace and my condolences to your family.” Mehmet Mustafa - Johnstons 81-84: “So sad RIP was a great man.” Don Harrison - Johnstons 68-76: “R.I.P. P.S. I recall he wrote: “The penis mightier than the sword.” on the blackboard, but joked that couldn't stay up there because Mrs Hyde had German in that room next.” Mark Ford - Corners 83-88: “He was indeed a man with a great sense of humour. R.I.P. Mr Sadler. Bill Kitchen - UNKNOWN: “Sad news, but what a fascinating character was Pete Sadler. We enjoyed catching-up after Barry Salmon’s funeral. Feeling for his family, may he rest easy.” Daniel Dave O'Byrne - Johnstons 67-72: “Here he is at last year's reunion. I'm glad to have known him. Andrew Yorke - Corners 80-??: “Thoughts are with you and your family on your loss.” David Howard - Halls 61-68: "I am so, so sorry for your loss. It is my loss, too, as I have been proud to call Peter my friend for many, many years. He was my first mentor and made a huge difference in my life. We shared many wonderful times together, both in person and through WhatsApp. I will miss him terribly." Richard Merghani - Berners 80-85: “ I personally feel I owe Mr. Sadler a lot of respect for the way he treated me. When I was misbehaving he didn't just punish me, but took me to one side and explained what my actions were doing and the cause and effect of them; made me grow up a lot.”