Peter Josselyn - 1956 to 1962
"Janus" is a wonderful source of WHS material: house, sports , music, drama and school trip reports plus original writing and other news. The school can be proud of its quality over three decades.
There are, however, some surprises. Much-loved teacher Peter Josselyn left at the end of the summer term in 1960 to go to Shawnigan Lake School near Vancouver. He had arrived at WHS in September 1956, and we only overlapped for his last two years when I was a first and second former. He did not teach me English, so I didn't know him well except as a popular, cheerful and somewhat dashing teacher and an excellent cricketer. I remember him scoring a rapid 60 for Woolverstone Park on a beautiful summer's day in June 1960.
He obviously loved his time at WHS, for two years later he brought an athletics team from his new school. The odd thing is, there is a report about this in the SCHOOL NOTES as shown below, and an interesting account in the Athletics section of "Janus" Winter 1963. And yet, this was quite a big deal: a former teacher bringing a group of boys all the way from Canada! Where and how long did they stay? Did we have organised activities with them apart from he athletics competition ? Were they introduced in assembly? I was there at the time, but I remember NOTHING about that visit. Do any of those reading this remember anything?
The Shawnigan Lake School, Vancouver, Canada