Chris Snuggs: "I remember Hassell as my Asst. Housemaster in Halls in the early 60s as a kind man whom one could never imagine slippering a boy. What we didn't realize at the time was that he was a top scholar, even though his title was obviously Dr. Was he the ONLY WHS teacher ever to hold a PhD? He married Miss Elizabeth Ferguson while still at WHS. He went on to have a long and distinguished career after WHS and leaves fond memories. I can't say I knew him that well, but he always struck me as someone of real class in every way.
A memory! I was very proud of my skill at securing my trunk with belts and rope at the end of term, and one last day of term, Hassell came round the dorm (He was Asst. Hsemaster of Halls at the time) to inspect us and stopped by my bed. Looking suspiciously at my magnificently-tied up trunk, he said: "Hmmm ... that looks a bit ropey."
I wanted to reply: "Sir, please stop Hasselling me." but thought better of it! It was only later that I realized his comment had been a joke ......"
Louis Parperis: "Alfred Hassell-Smith, who died in 2013, was an eminent historian specialising in the social history of the 16th century, particularly in Norfolk where he was born and spent much of his life. He became a professor in the history department at UAE which is where I came into contact with him, without realising he had once taught at Woolverstone. He was married, but not to the delightful yet redoubtable Joan Kynaston-Shaw, a lifelong spinster and a very accomplished makeup artist whose skills contributed enormously to school productions." |