David 'Ernie' Green : 58-64 Head of Art

Chris Snuggs: "One of the many special things about WHS was the focus - conscious and/or unconscious - on teamwork. Each team has its stars, but Ernie was probably not the first to come to mind. Gently, kind, unassuming, quiet (I never heard him raise his voice) he did his best to teach non-artists how to draw and paint. He didn't turn us all into artists, but I remember his classes being agreeable, peaceful, interesting and a welcome change from everything else going on. But in one area he definitely was a star. We all remember the dramatic and musical productions, though probably think first of the actors and musicians, but during his time at WHS Ernie did a huge amount to make the sets for all productions nigh-on professional. I never heard or would imagine anyone saying after a production: "I didn't think much of the sets."