Chris Snuggs writes:
Zap and Fay have typically understated the role they played in helping
to organise this memorable day. Derek had all along said he "didn't
want a fuss', just a little concert performance to be enjoyed by some
old friends.
So Zap had arranged a
concert by Cantabile, a barbershop Quartet group spearheaded by Robert
Bryan. But then they got a fantastic gig on the Queen Mary and had to
drop out, so he and Fay rang around and organised the show which we saw
on the day.
that involved Zap & Fay in the financing, hiring, getting and
installing of equipment, as well as the organising and coordinating of
all those involved to ensure it all ran off smoothly. Well in advance
of the day it had also of course meant locating and contacting many old
boys (some very famous and in great demand!) to see if they were
available and then keeping some of them a secret from Derek!
was the case for Jim Cottrell, who by chance lives near Zap in
Enfield. When Jim walked into the Orangery carrying a rugger ball to
present to Derek it was a total surprise for everyone except Fay &
Zap, and we could see that Derek had tears in his eyes while
simultaneously smiling from ear to ear.
was a one-off event, and a brilliant and loving one. I spoke to Derek
on the phone some weeks later and he said he was still reliving in his
memory the events of the day. |