News - September 2013

Sadly, Merlin Channon informed me after the event that Professor Hassell-Smith had died on the very same day as our reunion. Hassell was assistant housemaster at Halls for a while, but I myself never had him as a teacher. He was a somewhat gruff but kindly chap who didn't stay that long at the school as far as I remember.

I do remember him mildly criticizing me once for the - as he saw it - inadequate tying-up of my trunk just before we were going home for the hols. For some reason this stuck in my mind, possibly because I was in fact convinced that my knot-tying and trunk-securing abilities could not be outdone by any of my peers. A few years ago I was in contact with him in an effort to get him to a reunion, but he was already having some health problems and had to decline. When I asked him if he rembered the silly little trunk incident he said: "No, to be honest, but that does sound rather like the old boy."

Well, his passing is sad but the thought that he had a brilliant career after Woolverstone is a pleasing one.

Here is an obituary I found in "The Guardian":

Chris Snuggs ... is retired and living in Freiburg, Germany - equidistant from Basel and Strasbourg. We are here principally to allow our son to go to the bi-lingual states grammar school here. I say "states" because it was set up by de Gaulle and Adenauer after the war as a symbol of European reconciliation and fraternity and is jointly financed by France and Germany. In his third year, Robin now has some lessons in French and some in German.
Fred Moughton .... is retired and keeps himself busy with voluntary work, part of which involves looking after our funds!
  awaiting more news ....