
Dean Haney - Orwell 82-87: “ I remember that well ....… Winter boatwork, best paint job won a prize, a multitool marlin spike from Dave Sillett as I recall.”

Kevin Cooper - Orwell 80-85: “I recall Dave Sillett giving a prize away. His favourite saying was: "Don’t panic flight Mechanic." Always able to resolve a problem, he had his cherished boat 'Scurry' on the School boatyard in The winter. Also remember when MR Poole got himself a new toy: the Dory speedboat with two Evenride 90 engines on the back ..... The old rescue boat was still used but only the privileged few were allowed to drive the new one.”

Anatole Beams - Berners 75-82: "Great shot. I remember shamefacedly explaining to Terry Everett some cock-and-bull story to explain a hole in the bow of our Firefly. He didn’t believe a word (I had tacked into the stern of an Enterprise whilst performing ‘a pirate raid’) and was struggling to think of a slightly less stupid reason. He didn’t even put down his pipe - next week you would have never known the hole had been there."