SCHOOL NOTES AND FUNCTIONS CHURCH NOTES: ON SUNDAY afternoon, 26th January, in the Parish Church, fifteen boys were confirmed by the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of St. Edmundsbury and Ipswich. After the service the Bishop had tea with the boys and their relatives. Rev. Brian Chapman LIBRARY: WE ACKNOWLEDGE with thanks gifts of books for the library from the following Old Boys:- J. Byford, G. Byrde, C. Campling, J. English, K. Howes; A. Lister, B. Phelps, R. J. Simmons, J. Tuddenham, R. Vizard. OLD BOYS' DAY, previously set aside for the Rugby match, promises to be something more in the future years. The greater number of Old Boys who came down this year is a pointer to this fact. The team itself, captained by Ian McCulloch, was dismissed prior to the match as being not quite strong enough to conquer the 1st XV. Pride comes before a fall, however, and the Firsts found themselves up against a fast and enthusiastic team inspired by Workman and McCulloch, which nearly turned the tables in their favour. However, superior fitness, brought about by a scarcity of beer and cigarettes, aided the School in their ultimate victory. The match tea, attended by all the Old Boys who visited us, was a successful affair, if a little too formal, and promises well for the future. OUR FIRST film this term was held on Saturday, 15th February. The title was "A day to remember", and was about a party of men and women who went to France for a day and their activities while there. Romance was frequent, but on the whole the film, a comedy, was quite humorous, especially when one of the party tried to join the Foreign Legion. Unfortunately, during this film the sound track became slightly blurred and hearing became rather difficult. The second film, "Who goes there?" also a comedy, was held on Saturday, 1st March. It was to have been held on 1st February but was postponed owing to a power failure on that night. This film, set in the grounds of St. James' Palace, was about a young guardsman who is suddenly Visited by his girl friend from Ireland. Neighbours give the girl a lodging, and although at one time she falls in love and plans to elope with another young man, all turns out well in the end. The third and last film of the term was held on Saturday, 22nd March. It was called "Kind Hearts and Coronets", and was a comedy-drama. It was about the life of a young duke who gets revenge by "exterminating" all those who abused his title. He ruthlessly murders all who stand in his way, but is at last brought to justice rather ironically. Although it seems very unlike a comedy it is surprisingly quite funny in some places. Perhaps a remark worthy of all three shows is the fact that in all cases the preliminary films were very good. They were mostly documentary with some cartoons. On Thursday, 20th March, Clifford Heap visited the School with his miniature puppets. They produced "Aladdin" in eighteen swift scenes before an audience of first, second and third formers. The scenery, lighting, sound and other effects were very well done indeed. Speaking was clear although the figures themselves were very small and difficult to see and not really suited for large audiences. John F. Dracass (IIIA)
MUSIC THE music of the School in the last two years has showed notable signs of development. To help to further this a Music Society has been formed and the following officers were elected - Secretary, N. Fletcher., Treasurer, R. Nawrot; Committee members, N. O'Loughlin, A. Durrant, T. Head, B. Sandland. From this a gramophone club has been evolved. In it records are constructively listened to and so far the following have been played :- Bach, Brandenburg Concerti 2 and 3, Beethoven Symphony No. 1, the Grieg Piano Concerto and the Schubert Unfinished Symphony. It is being ably run by N. Fletcher. The orchestra is now setting out on a new departure. It will play the Haydn "London" Symphony on Whit-Monday together with other pieces. The Choral Society, after achieving its great success in the Suffolk Music Festival last year, is now preparing for the concert on Whit-Monday with the Bach St. John Passion. Many concerts have been attended at school and in Ipswich. The Civic Concerts have brought us the Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra and Halina Stefanska, the celebrated Polish pianist. A party of boys heard the Ipswich Orchestral Society's annual concert in which N. Fletcher played. Also a party of boys went to listen to the Bach St. Matthew Passion. The well-attended Sunday evening Chamber Music Concerts at school have produced some very good works. Our thanks are due to these who have come to play:- The Leute Trio, Mr. Burney and I. Blinkworth, P. Last, D. Baxter who came with Mr. Parry from Northgate School to play and also for arranging two concerts. N. Fletcher and N. O'Loughlin attended an orchestral course in Ipswich in which much useful orchestral experience was gained. A. Durrant, N. Fletcher and N. O'Loughlin have played in concerts in Ipswich. A. Durrant, playing in the London Schools Symphony Orchestra, performed in the Royal Festival Hall at Christmas. We hope that this is the lead which others in due course will follow. Niall O'Loughlin (VI)
BIRD-WATCHING IN THE SPRING TERM AT THE beginning of the Spring Term, in January, small winter flocks of coot were already forming on the river and as the cold spell advanced with the frequent snow-blizzards their numbers increased well over the 250 mark. Sheldduck and wigeon were still present in good numbers and a few pintail were seen, at one time up to 40 being recorded. Goldeneye and a red-throated diver were also seen at Freston. Small flocks of black-tailed godwit were occasionally seen, but I only saw one bar-tailed godwit, and that at Freston. Other waders, especially redshank and dunlin, were present in large numbers, and ringed plover were frequently seen. There was a general scarcity of the winter-visiting thrushes, the redwings and the fieldfares, but I did find one dead redwing while cycling near Holbrook. A small bird, smaller than our resident song thrush, with warm brown upper plumage and pale striated breast, it possessed the characteristic red underwing of its kind. Of our resident thrushes, song and misselthrushes could often be seen feeding on Berners towards the end of term and it is probable that there will be about 15 pairs breeding in the area in the oncoming season. Goldcrests were heard singing behind the Butt and Oyster, and several were seen at the edge of the larchwood. It is likely that a pair may breed there as a pair did last year. Unfortunately, our small but keen band of bird-watchers, Cobbin and Guthrie of Johnston's first form and an occasional convert like Pete Wells of Hansons, not forgetting myself, was unable to get out very often due to the bad weather we had, but generally we had an interesting term. My first record of a goose came in mid-term when I saw a Brent goose swimming among the sheldduck and wigeon on the river, and we have some fairly accurate dates for the first full songs of the chaffinch and the blackbird. Finally, there is a possibility that some of the wintering wigeon, delayed by the long spell of cold weather, may stay to breed in the area of Butterman's Bay marshes. Usually they breed further south in the east coast counties. Michael J. Wort (VA)
CRICKET AND SPRINGBOK STARTING WITH a witticism and finishing with an anecdote, Trevor Bailey captivated his audience with a very interesting and amusing talk and film on the M.C.C. tour of 1956-57 in South Africa. With the one word "Rothmans" he started by having the whole audience gasping and then accompanied with many amusing remarks directed in the main at "Baron Telegraphia", otherwise known as E. W. Swanton, he led on to the actual tour. Excepting the matches against regions such as the Transvaal he commented briefly on the five Test matches. After this review he turned our attention to the screen, where we were shown a film of the tour. It was a very good film, including not only the cricket but glorious scenes of South African surroundings such as the magnificent stretch of the Victoria Falls. The introduction to the film was a skip over the cricketing individuals labelled the "Heroes" and a sketch of the newspaper-men tagged sarcastically the "Wise-men", including of course another remark about "Baron Telegraphia". Mr. Bailey spoke through a microphone throughout the film, providing an interesting sketch of the series. The Test matches provided their thrills, with Mr. Bailey scoring two runs in one over, once. Richardson's slow century was shown in detail with "fast-scoring Trevor" at the other end. Compton "Unbrylcreemed", with his scurrying down the wicket and his characteristic twiddle of the bat provided a few exciting moments. One very good feature of the film was the action of Tayfield, the off-spin bowler, in slow-motion. Peter May stood out as a dominating captain although his own individual performances were not very good, and one must not leave out the famous "Godfrey" as Mr. Bailey's film showed his typical hard-hitting batting and his brilliant display behind the stumps. In conclusion Mr. Bailey gave a few hints to the younger fraternity on calling between the wickets, recalling an amusing incident between himself and the unpredictable Compton, and amid thunderous applause he left the stage after a most enjoyable evening. Christopher Prendergast (VA) PROSE AND VERSE A CHILL blast of wind tore through the park, momentarily it stopped by a bench upon which lay a huddled form, then, having snatched away some newspapers covering the tramp, it hurried on its way. Amos Milton, for that is what this tramp is called, awoke with a start, quickly he grasped the situation and, after some searching, found his newspapers and returned to his bench ..... Amos now knew it was time to make for his winter quarters. The year was nearing its close and he yearned for a nice comfortable cell. It was Amos' custom to seek shelter in this manner every year and always the routine was the same. A good meal in an elegant restaurant, no money and three months the reward of a benevolent Justice. But still if the worse came to the worse there were plenty of windows and plenty of cops on Broadway. This time, however, Amos wanted to be different. Jack Frost began to become impatient, the cold began to creep through the soles of Amos' shoes and the patches of his trousers. Then as he shivered a great glow of se1f-satisfaction suddenly spread itself across his face. "Why of course," he, murmured to himself ..... The large mansion was bathed in moonlight. Amos had it all planned, but it had to be carefully executed. He sidled out of the shadows and across the moonlit road, towards the window. Lifting it up Amos climbed in. All was quiet within; but not for long. Picking up a large brass tray, Amos hurled it against the wall. The din was terrific, tremor after tremor of noise echoed and re-echoed, through the house. Kicking and overturning furniture added to the racket; finally Amos desisted and waited for the music. An elderly man came down the stairs with a poker in his hand. Amos smiled inwardly at the success of his plan. Undoubtedly the cops had been called, he would soon be in his haven of rest. The old man turned on the light and smiled at Amos. It wasn't a victorious smile, nor a sarcastic smile, it was a genuine, friendly smile. A feeling of surprised mortification crept over Amos, he was incredulous! Here he, a black-hearted villain, was met by his victim with a smile. The elderly man opened his mouth and, "Sit down, young man," said the ought-to-have been terrified victim, "and tell me how things are in the burglary business nowadays." The old man's next sentence explained these rather odd words. "I remember when I was in the trade," he chuckled jovially ..... A very disgruntled and tired Amos left that part of the city that night. He climbed on to a park bench and fell asleep dreaming of his five-hour lecture on how to be good at larceny. The sun rose next day, but no warmth from it warmed Amos, who awoke only at the gentle coaxing of the park-keeper's stick. It was some seconds before Amos recalled to mind his mission for sanctuary and winter quarters. And, when he did remember he was even more dejected than before. He had to think up another plan, this time infallible. He racked his brain as he walked down the sidewalk. The crisp air was very crisp, this fact was perhaps, the stimulus for Amos' second brilliant master plan. He walked into the nearest toy-shop, where he bought the latest novelty. It was a powerful water-pistol, which was an exact replica of a .38 revolver. From the toy-shop he walked briskly to the National Bank. Entering the bank Amos asked for the manager's office in his most elegant and sophisticated tone of voice. He was directed there without delay. Amos sauntered in, closing the door behind him. He casually drew the loaded water-pistol and, giving his best impression of a Chicago gangster, he said, "Get this Bud, I'm gonna bump you ,off." The manager's flabby features contorted in fear. "You'l1 never get away with it," he croaked. Amos hoped the manager was right but he never said so, instead he raised the water-pistol and aimed at the manager's face. The manager closed his eyes and broke into a sweat. "No, No," he gasped, "I'll give you anything." Amos. imagined his haven of rest already being within his grasp. He squeezed the trigger and a jet of icy cold water from a Broadway puddle took the manager between the eyes. After about five seconds the manager, instead of being red in the face and shouting for help, stood up and said, "You've nothing to fear from me son, I can take a joke as well as the next man, c'm on let's go down to the bar and have a chat over a highball. I admire your sense of humour." Amos almost swooned, but fell limply into a chair instead. Having escaped the jovial, joke-loving, banker, Amos was angrily walking through the down-town part of the city. His hands were sunk deeply in his pockets, and he lashed out at every unfortunate pebble that crossed his path. He had a deep frown of concentration on his face, as he flogged his brains for an idea. It was beginning to seem to him an impossibility to reach his goal. Amos shuffled along the sidewalk, the problem uppermost in his mind, to the exclusion of all else. Suddenly, however. the cruel world intruded on his thoughts in the shape of a manhole in the pavement. Before he realised what had happened he had stepped into space ..... He hit the unsympathetic cobbles of Madison Square with an awakening jolt. Not the basement of some Broadway store, but merely the cold grey stone of the square, for the unaccustomed mental effort to solve his problem had caused Amos to fall asleep on his park bench. And above him loomed the blue figure of the law. "Seat not soft enough, fella?" said the Irish brogue. "Now move along there; we'l1 be charging you board and lodging if you occupy these cobbles any longer." Pulling his thin coat about him, and warmed by nothing more than the benevolent smile of the cop, Amos shuffled away not a little worried by the messengers of winter and the lack of a ready solution to his problem. A. Thomas (IVA)
JACK HARTLEY was walking along the dusty main street of Harping one day, when he spied a large notice which was just managing to retain its hold on a wharf gate. Jack was a young, strong lad, willing to work, but without a job. He kicked a can at a cat across the street and turned his uninterested eye on the notice again. The notice read: "TO ALL BOYS 17-21 YEARS OLD. There is a grand future for you in the Auxiliary Fire Service. The wage is £8 a week for boys of your age; there is access to games fields in off-duty hours and many recreations, so TAKE OUR ADVICE and JOIN NOW!" The illustration depicted a handsome young fellow with a man over his shoulder, climbing down a turntable ladder. Jack read the address of the enrolment office, and hastened there immediately to become a fireman. When he reached the door of the offices he entered and stepped into a nearby lift. The attendant pressed a button and the cage whisked up to the seventh floor. Jack stepped out and crossed a corridor to the door opposite him which had a notice on it:- FIRE CHIEF PEMBROKE. He knocked, and at a summons, entered. Opposite sat a dapper little man in uniform at a kneehole desk. He beckoned Jack to a chair and asked his particulars, which he duly wrote on a form lying on a blotter before him. In good time Jack was in uniform. He lived above the fire station and was prepared to work well. But nothing went right from the start. The very first day he lent against the alarm button and had the whole station awake and ready for action in thirty-five seconds. Then he took a joy ride down the pole and hit a visiting chief who took a dim view of it. He started a hose by mistake and the kick knocked a fellow fireman across the yard. Then came his great chance to redeem himself. He was awoken, with his fellows, one night by a loud clanging, and, jumping into his uniform which lay at the ready, flew down the pole and boarded his engine, at the same time pulling on his helmet. Somebody said that there was a fire in a draper's at the town centre, and the men could see a red glow above the housetops as the engine flew along the dormant streets. Presently they came to the scene of the blaze. Pumps were manned and hoses clipped on to hydrants with speed and precision. Then a cry went up that the managing-director had been trapped while writing up accounts. A request was made for a volunteer rescuer, and Jack, eager to make good his misdeeds, hastened forward to the turntable ladder. He flew up the steps to the top and broke the window of the captive's room. The watchers couldn't see what was happening for smoke and steam, but then a figure appeared through the haze, with another one on its back. Down they came and at the bottom, Mr. Harvey, the director, laid the prostrate Jack at the Fire Chief's feet. A few days later, after treatment for shock, Jack found himself unemployed again. Then suddenly, a fellow ran round the corner, and said to him:- "Come and see! There's a fire down the road!" LOOKING AT television, and being on television in a show are two entirely different things. I used to be fond of reading books, and every now and then, I would pop round the corner to the local library. I had a predilection for fiction stories, but most of all, I enjoyed Homer and Virgil. I found marvellous wonders in the old legends of the Greeks and Romans. which sometimes I wished were true. Often, while my family and I were seated round the television watching a quiz, my mother would remark to dad, "I'd like to see our son winning something", and dad would agree. Well finally, on one quiz show, I saw a young man taking up a subject called Mythology, which to my surprise, was concerned with the wonders of Greek and Roman poets. I managed to answer most of the questions before the contestant did. This took my parents by surprise. They promised to write to the I.T.V. and ask for an application. My thoughts flashed to money. Should I be greedy and carry to the end or should I be careful and take only a few quid? Well, anyway, I got piles of books and read them all through. Then I read them again. Finally, a letter came asking me to attend an interview. That same afternoon I was reading furiously, taking care to note the important facts. At the interview I was taken to Television House on Kingsway Corner. There I waited anxiously. I was not the only person waiting for an interview, for there were a number of other people waiting in the fairly large room. While waiting, I wished I'd brought my book on Myths. At one end of the room there were two television sets. But I did not seem much interested in the programme for I began to feel nervous. The room was full of cigarette smoke, and the ash trays were full. Then I was called. I was led to a room which was comparatively small. My thoughts flashed back to the books I was reading that afternoon. I was breathless during the interview, answering the questions posed by a man behind a desk as best I could. Finally it was over. On the "bus I started thinking about appearing before millions of people. The next day I was back at school. I managed to scrape together a few books for myself, with the help of numerous teachers. Now I am waiting, and reading. I have passed my first hurdle, now for the second and last. Hamlet Percival (IIB) THE SUN was staring down from a heavy sky. The air was full of dust and a hard, dry heat that not even the nearby sea could soften. Everything was a dry grey or a dusty brown and there was no fresh or rich colour anywhere. Even the beer was flat and warm. I stared around the little bar and noted the dingy walls and faded furniture. There were cracks in the ceiling and dosing flies buzzed aimlessly around. An electric fan carved futile circles out of the baking air and gave the heat a droning, relentless voice of its own. I got up and walked slowly outside. There had been no people in the bar and there were few outside. Flat, pasty faces walking past, flat and with nothing behind them. As I crossed the road I could feel the heat of the tar through the soles of my shoes. I looked up at the houses. Old, dusty, tired houses begrimed and covered with soot. They stood there patient and immovable, sweating silently in the heat. It was funny how those old houses seemed to be more than just bricks and mortar, how they seemed in some way to have a certain life which was more than mere existence. It was funny how these old houses were more sympathetic and friendly than those flat, shallow faces, those facades for emptiness which walked along the street. They didn't move around, they didn't hustle to see, they just waited for life to come to them and what they saw was enough. Nothing was kept secret from them and they could hear and see several lives at once, lives of people who didn't know that they lived and therefore didn't bother to hide anything from them. They didn't move but they shared several lives at once and so they were both inside and outside themselves whereas man could move but was locked forever in the castle of his skin. Man could speak but he was always alone with himself and no amount of moving or speaking or drinking could change that. A house could have new tenants but a man could only have moods. The sky seemed to be crowding in on the earth in an earnest endeavour to crush the overloaded air into a yet more intolerable position. A dull glare came down from the oppressive clouds and was reflected from the simmering Tarmac of the road. A piece of thistle down floated up from some abandoned garden and floated effortlessly out over the grimy quay, mounting on some hidden breeze and seeming incredibly light and free in all the dusty heaviness of the day. I stopped and watched it away gently in the distance over the idling sea.
Andrew Szepesy (VI) ![]() IT ALL started one meal-time; it was an unusually quiet meal-time, so I thought I'd brighten things up a bit. "Not far from Italy into which run the countries of 'Marconi', 'Barbaroli' and 'The Spaghetti Strait' is 'Panacre Pond'. The Pond's total surface is five bubble miles (a bubble being four earth miles); and below the surface, six billion bubbles below, is the island of 'Marchiona'. Here live the remarkable 'Bubbles'. Life for them is fairly straightforward in a 'rolly' sort of way. These 'Bubbles' live under 'Ping Pong', a really fat bubble. The real king, however, is the spirit of 'Miggy Muggs' a departed 'Bubble', whom every 'Bubble' worships. "These 'Bubbles' suffer but few troubles in life, although one of the main ones is that of overheating. This is due to too much 'Din Dins' and 'Bubble Juice' also known as H20; and over-eating leads to inflammation from which many 'Bubbles' become air-borne and disappear out of sight. "For recreation, the 'Bubbles' play three games:- 74 aside soccer (only one team) which is played on a huge ground, 28 bubble miles by nine bubble miles; 27 aside cricket, twelve men and fifteen runners. The batsmen jump on to the runners' backs and race down the wicket, which, of course, is measured in bubble miles. The time-limit for batting is 29 hours; the clocks strike from-one to any number, and go, 'Bubble-Babble', when the time limit is reached. 'Scroop', however, is one, of the most enjoyed games. The idea is to see which 'Bubble' can bounce the highest and say, 'Scroop!' Not far from where the 'Bubbles" live, is the dreaded 'Jungle of Marchiona', inhabited by the unseen natives. The natives cannot be seen, for the jungle remains one consistent purple blur. "The natives, however, have been heard, chasing the rare 'Poodo Bird' which feeds on the minute five-legged 'Ping Elephant' with their (the natives) horrible war-cries of 'Jar! Jar! Jam Jar! Malybabbles!' "If one must pass through the jungle, one must shout and scream, because if there is silence in this jungle, the natives believe that one is planning to kill them, and one would, be 'Dead in a Minute!' covered by millions of tiny arrows, dipped in the poison of the Bubble Gum tree. "Apart from this, the 'Bubbles' as previously mentioned live a quiet life, and on a summer's night, above the cry of the 'Poodo Bird', as it takes off with the noise of 'Blip-Blap', can be heard 'The Bubbles National Anthem', crooned every evening to send the young Bubbles to sleep." P. March (IIB)
BEARS ARE a nuisance, especially when they choose to attack you when you are unarmed. This statement will be confirmed by Jim Kalco. Up in AIaska the winters are sometimes a nightmare of cold and battles against starvation. This certain night, the 24th December, 1929, a lone figure, clad in a beaverskin hat and jacket, leather trousers, and tough boots, trundled across the soft, crisp snow, leaving the crisscross pattern of his snow shoes behind him. Ahead, in a small log cabin, Jim, for it was he, saw a dark face press against the window pane. It was Genok, his Indian friend. As he reached the door it was opened for him, and he slumped down on the old couch which occupied one corner of the cosy hut. "Empty handed 'gain, Jim?" "I hate to say so!" he rose in anger. "Why should the dratted cougars ruin our lives? I ask you, I've been out for the last three days, an' what 'ave I got out of it? I suppose it means," he said, taking off his boots, "that we'll have to go without a feast for Christmas." He dealt out a hand of cards. "C'mon Genok, we're havin' a game o' cards." Genok shook his head. "You don't know how to play? O.K. then ........" Genok shook his head once again. "No. I'm in no mood for cards. I'm unhappy." "Hey! Was it that letter you got the other day?" "No!" "C'mon then. It'll cheer ye' up!" Genok reluctantly sat down and picked up his first card. Early next morning, Jim looked out of the window. He leapt out of bed, and woke Genok. "The storm's stopped. Guess I'll go out and collect the furs, if there are any." He quickly put on his b~ and snow-shoes. "You keep the fire going and get some food ready . . . . . Hey! Have we got enough stores left?" "Just enough," was the answer. "O.K. then, cheerio!" The door slammed shut behind Jim. Genok leapt out of bed and stoked the fire. Jim looked at the first trap. Only a bloody paw was left, wrenched off . . . . . only a trail of blood indicated where the badger had gone. He plodded after the trail. "Oh! It ain't worth it. Ain't good meat or fur." When he neared the second trap he saw a cougar struggling to get a limp deer out of the trap. He raised his rifle to his shoulder, took steady aim. The report echoed and re-echoed across the valley. A blood curdling yell shook the air as the cougar leapt in pain. Jim stood up gleefully. Then a branch snapped behind him; he swung round to see a huge grizzly bear almost upon him. For a moment he was frozen by the threat of this potential foe but he quickly came to his senses. He was holding his gun by the barrel. He swung it in a vicious arc, and smashed it down on the head of the bear. The impact made him drop the rifle and he recoiled, slowly stumbling backwards. Suddenly the ground gave way under him; he had trodden in a snowdrift. Numbly he heaved himself out of the hole only to see the bear move with a threatening growl towards him. The bear lunged at him. Its wicked claws tore at his face and hands, but by thrusting his foot against a small bush, he somehow managed to wrestle with the beast for a moment; fortune seemed to favour him for suddenly the beast missed its footing in the snow, and fell; he rushed to retrieve his gun; it had disappeared! The bear was laboriously heaving itself to its feet. His gun? Then he saw the barrel, peeping out from under the cougar. Feverishly rolling the cougar over with his foot he picked the gun up and took wild aim and shot. The bear slumped forward silently. Not a sound was to be heard in the snowy graveyard but Jim's deep breathing. He mopped his brow with a large handkerchief. "Anyway, we'l1 have a Christmas dinner to-day." He beamed from one side of his face to the other. "I hadn't aimed on filling the larder in quite this fashion, still, better bear-steaks for Xmas dinner than nothing." Tom H. Carter (IIIA)
SUFFOLK A.A.A. CROSS-COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIP THIS YEAR the Suffolk Cross-Country Championships were held at the School. This is the first time we have been honoured in this way and also the first time we have entered, indeed been able to enter, a team in each age group. The standard of running was high, and in spite of the fact that cross-country running is a subsidiary sport here many boys performed creditably. First the Boys ran over a two-mile course, and for the fourth year in succession our team was placed fourth. Hammond and Blair-Hickman ran splendidly and came fourth and seventh respectively. The Youths competed over three miles, and the School was placed third. Here Pinney ran well to take seventh place. A humorous touch was added by the Junior race in which the School was the sole team entry and thus not surprisingly secured first place in the team event. R.H.S. Holbrook were team winners in the Boys' race and Ipswich School in the Youths. John Walmsley
CLUBS AND ACTIVITIES IN SOME ways, this has been a frustrating term. The long-awaited range is still incomplete; the cutter is still in dockyard hands; we have not yet had our annual Admiralty Inspection which was postponed at the very last minute from 3rd March to an indefinite date in the future because of the indisposition of the inspecting officer. On the positive side, Frobisher and Grenville classes were examined for Able Seaman and the following passed in the order shown:- Weinberg, Stirling, Williams, P. G.., Cockshott, Chapple, Webb, Griffiths, Turner, Vinall, Wort, Hassett, Parker, Leach, O'Loughlin, Gentry, Prendergast. Jervis class of seven new-entries was embodied on 22nd March. Twenty-eight cadets completed their swimming test during the term and have received swimming certificates and badges. In addition, much good work has been done in the Seamanship Hut, rehabilitating the instructional apparatus; in particular the work of O. S. Olney and Maelzer on the model derrick deserves special mention. Under Mr. Smith's guidance, a start has been made at furnishing a "floor" for one of the whalers, which will make it much more comfortable for pulling and sailing. In conclusion, the text of a letter of commendation from the Vice Admiral Commanding Reserves is published below. It tells its own story. "I am delighted to commend the Woolverstone Hall Unit for the progress made throughout 1957. "Points which still require attention are the qualification of badgemen - 70% of eligible candidates are required - and improving the balance of the Unit by some of the senior cadets qualifying as Petty Officers. "I appreciate all the good work which has been done and hope that the unit will continue to strive for the pendant standard which it so narrowly missed in 1957. G. Thistleton-Smith - "Vice Admiral"
THE SOCIETY held its inaugural meeting on Saturday, 8th February. Forty six boys were present and Sexton was elected as Chairman for the term with Gardner as Secretary and Dracass as Treasurer. There is a committee of six to represent each House. The subject of the first debate, "A boy without a sister is to be pitied", was proposed by Mott and opposed by Russell. The motion was carried by 20 to 18 after a lively debate from the floor, with eight abstentions. On Saturday, 8th March, the Society debated "That there is no future for the Royal Air Force". Chapman, seconded by Gordon, proposed the motion, and was opposed by Dracass and Carter. The motion was defeated by 22 votes to nine with five abstentions. The last debate of the term was held on Saturday, 15!th March, when Jefferson and Grenyer proposed the motion, "That television is a menace to civilisation". Dickson and Hyrons opposed the motion. After a lively and humorous debate from the floor, the motion was defeated by 17 votes to three with seven abstentions. R. L.
A GOOD deal of carving and modelling has been done this term and two statues are in progress for the niches in the main hall. A start has also been made with silk screen printing. Next term we will have the benefit of a spacious new art room, but this will be offset a little by having fewer rooms for the various activities when the huts are demolished. It is hoped to arrange an exhibition of work from the Council of Industrial Design in the new art room. Leslie Warren
THE CLUB started the year rather badly as the fate of our hut was undecided. However. having heard at the beginning of this term that it had been reprieved, we got down to some replanning after rejoicing at having a permanent home, however dilapidated and in need of repair. The first job to be done was to dismantle the newer of the two "00" gauge layouts. The base board has been reassembled for a "TT" gauge layout and it is hoped that track laying will be commenced next term. Before Christmas a tramcar was built by Burch and Cumins, and also the first section of a layout for it. It is hoped to make a complete tram layout eventually with several models of various types of tramcars to operate on it. Several buildings have been added to the main "00" gauge railway and there is now little that can he done to enlarge this layout. This means that all our attention can be turned to "TT" gauge, thus getting something running fairly soon. John S. Cumins (IVA)
SINCE THE last issue of "Janus" there is obviously very little news for the Club is fairly inactive during the winter months. We have, however, shot off our first inter school archery matches, both against Winchester College and both indoor, postal matches. Each was shot in the gym. (with plenty of fortifications behind the target!) at a distance of 20 yards. The first, last December, we 1ost by 283 points to 400; that was after only 30 minutes' practice at indoor shooting at all. This term, on 23rd March, our six merry men shot their two dozen arrows with far greater accuracy (we had a whole hour's practice for this shoot) and returned a score of 473 points, which beat Winchester's 404 by a reasonable margin. We are very pleased to be able to have these matches and must thank Mr. Johnston for providing a link between our two schools for this purpose. We must hope that next term will provide us with many budding new aspirants to William Tell fame who can continue the matches in later years. Michael Cracknell
THE JAZZ CLUB HAVING Now recovered from the loss of our leader last year, the Jazz Club has taken a large step forward into a new kind of music. The emphasis has been moved from the "Traditional" vein to a new kind of music, which, although unclassifiable, lies somewhere between the "modern" and "swing" styles. The unusual line up of flute, tenor saxophone, piano, guitar, drums and bass has presented some problems, but with the help of the Headmaster, for which we are most grateful, it has, been possible to build up a reasonably sized repertoire. It was hoped to have been possible to present the second of the Jazz Club concerts at the end of the Spring Term, but this has had to be postponed till the beginning of next term. Towards the end of the term the band was invited to supply some music for the weekly meetings of the Dancing Club and our first "outside" performance is pending. Thanks to the efforts of Mr. Cobb, the Club members and thers interested in this kind of music were able to spend a very enjoyable and "instructive" evening listening to the fabulous band of Count Basie in 1pswich last term. We hope that our future performances will reflect the hard work we have put into the Club. DESPITE THE loss of its former captain and star player, Matthews, the Chess Club has been bearing up very well. The ladder is once more in use and a new team has been formed to avenge our previous losses. We played a match against Felixstowe and beat them 5-2. Another was played against Northgate, at one time a very strong team but now somewhat weaker, and won 3-2. In the replay we lost 4-1. A tournament has been started, but owing to the large number of people who do not turn up at the right time it has not been finished yet. It is to be hoped that next Winter Term more matches will be played and won, and that more people will help. Alexander Durrant (IVA)
THE MODEL AIRCRAFT CLUB THOUGH HARDLY developed as yet, the extraordinary speed with which aeromodelling has taken a grip on the school is certainly worthy of note. The fire of enthusiasm deep inside any modeller has been suppressed up to now by the inconvenience of the trek to Ipswich, but now that Mr. Mudd has started to stock kits and equipment from Kiel Kraft, this fire has flared up throughout the school. Though Mr. Mudd originally stocked the kits for his own House, he soon found customers in the other Houses, and consequently has increased his stock of kits, dopes, cement tissue, etc. On Old Boys' Day, Mr. Mudd decided that the enthusiasm for model aircraft was great enough to vindicate the formation of a Club. A meeting after the giving out of the Rugby Colours saw the selection of Club officials by voting. These officials are Gerrish, Ashdown, Grimson, Bailey and Leeson. The good weather in the Summer Term should further stimulate the Club's activities and a display is proposed on Open Day of the Club's aircraft. Meanwhile there are many mysterious designs in the plan stage, preparing to take all the honours on Open Day, which I hope will be a day of good visibility, fair flying weather and happy landings! WORKMAN, Brian E. (September, 1950-December, 1957). Blue 1955; Prefect 1956; Head Boy 1957; Rugby 1st XV 1954-55-56-57, Colours 1956, Captain 1957; Athletics Colours 1957; Cricket lst XI 1954-55-56, Colours 1955, Joint Captain 1955-56, Captain 1956-57, represented Suffolk County against Essex II and Captained Suffolk Young Amateurs 1957, awarded cricket bat for scoring first 100 1955-56; Dramatic Productions 1952-53-54-55-56, Producer 1957; Editorial Committee "Janus" 1955-57; G.C.E. "O" level 1954, "A" level.1956; awarded Travelling Scholarship 1956. To take up residence at Christ's College, Cambridge, October, 1959. Now Cricket and Rugby Coach at Christ College, Brecon. McCULLOCH, Ian (September, 1951 - July, 1957). Blue 1954., Prefect 1955; Head Boy 1956-57; G.C.E. "O" level 1954, "A" level 1956., Rugby 1st XV 1955-56-57, Colours 1956. Captain 1956-57; Cricket 1st XI 1955-56-57, Colours 1955. Joint Captain 1955-56; Athletics, Colours 1955, Captain 1955-57; July, 1955, held county record for putting the shot and appeared at Manchester for the All-England Inter-County Championship, Choral Society, soloist "Mikado" and "Trial by Jury"; Dramatic Productions 1953-54-55-56, Producer 1957. To take up residence at St. Peter's Hall, Oxford, in October, 1959. Now doing National Service, 2nd Lieut. Royal Norfolk Regiment. WARREN, C. (September, 1951-April, 1958). Blue 1957., "O" level 1955, "A" level 1957, Rugby lst XV 1955-56-57-58, Colours 1957; Cricket 1st XI 1955-5,6-57. To take up residence at King's College, Newcastle, October, 1958, to read Town and Country Planning. SHREEVE, V. (September, 1951-December, 1956). G.C.E. "O" level 1956; School Librarian; Y.F.C.; Dramatic Production 1956; School Writing Prize 1956. Now studying Art at Corsham Court, Wiltshire. HANSONS BEGG, D. A. (1950-57). Blue 1954; Prefect 1956; Rugby 1st XV 1955-56-57, Colours 1956; Athletics 1956-57, Colours 1957. Cross-Country 1955-56-57; Editorial Committee of "Janus" 1952-56; Dramatic Society, "Government Inspector" 1955, Devil's Disciple" 1956; G.C.E. "O" level 1954, G.C.E. "A" and "S" level 1956. Proceeds to study Mathematics at Edinburgh University. BROWN, M. H. (1950-57). Blue 1956; Prefect 1957; Rugby 2nd XV 1956-57, Captain; Athletics 1955-56; Cross-Country 1,955-56-57; Sailing 1955-56-57; Dramatic Society, "Tempest" 1952, "Government Inspector" 1955; Choral Society, "Mikado" 1956; G.C.E. "O" level 1955, G.C.E. "A" and "S" level 1957. Proceeds to Durham University to take a course in Town Planning. KUPTZ, A. A. (1952-57). Blue 1957; Rugby 1st XV 1955-56; Athletics 1954-55-56-57; Dramatic Society "Devil's Disciple" 1956; G.C.E. "O" level 1955, G.C.E. "A" level 1957. Proceeds to Keele College, University of North Staffs. to study Social Sciences. BYFORD, J. H. (1956-57). Blue 1956; Prefect 1957. Now a Regular in the Army. TUDDENHAM, John (1952-57). Cricket 1st XI 1957; G.C.E. "O" level 1957. Proceeds to firm of Accountants in Middlesbrough. JOHNSTONS GLASS, D. A. (1952-57). Prefect 1956-57, Deputy Head Boy 1957, Head of Johnston's House 1954-57; Rugby lst XY 1955-57, Captain 2nd XI 1957; Leading Seaman S.C.C.; Dramatic Society, Stamp Club. A leading personality in House affairs for a long time. HALLS MATTHEWS: The most lasting impression I have of Matthews is one of a keen business-like efficiency. This came much to the fore in his service as a librarian when he very ably looked after the fiction shelves, the most troublesome of all. We will also not forget his helpfulness during the 'flu epidemic when he practically organised the kitchens and the nursing. He has now joined the ranks of the bowler hat and umbrella in a career which to my mind suits him down to the ground - Chartered Accountancy. He had a profound technique for extracting the details of a person's private life within a day of their entering the School and I am sure that with the knowledge he will eventually gain from all the firms he deals with he could write a most revealing book. NEWS FROM the Universities is still somewhat scanty, but one gathers that the first careless abandon has given way to stern thoughts of examinations with the consequent increase in the pressure of work. David BEGG (1957) and Tom DAVIES (1957) were visited in Edinburgh by John BYFORD (1957) before the latter's departure for the Services. In Australia, Brian JENKINS (1954) has just left school and passed into Sydney University. Since he spent three years at Woolverstone and three years at Homebush, he has exactly split loyalties to two Old Boys' Associations. Also overseas, Gerald BYRDE (1956) has taken up an appointment with Kodaks connected with their new processes of colour photography and, unless the cost of living in Rhodesia is very high, is doing himself proud! In the Services, John ASHWORTH (1953) has successfully completed his Electrical Apprenticeship course, and is now a Petty Officer in H.M.S. Apollo. Also in the Navy, Michael COX (1951) is in H.M.S. Bulwark on its round the world tour, and Robert COX (1956) is still plugging away at Russian in the wilds of Scotland. In the Mediterranean, a new member, Martin LENOIR. (1954) is in H.M.S. Scarborough. Keeping the Services in their correct order of seniority, Ian McCULLOCH (1957) has just completed his Officer Training Course at Eaton Hall, and John BYFORD (1957) is at Warley Barracks at Brentford, hoping in the near future to go to Sandhurst for a Regular Commission. He is doing this in spite, or, maybe, because of an assay into the realms of farming, and decided the Army was preferable. At Northern Command Headquarters at York, Robert CROUCHER (1956) has been both sorting out the Territorial Army and becoming engaged, upon which we send him our congratulations. Our sole correspondent from the R.A.F., Michael MOSS (1956) has, to his joy, left Felixstowe and is in Cyprus. Our contingent in the Merchant Navy grows apace, although not all are at sea. Douglas RONAN (1956) is still taking a Technical shore course as an Engineer Apprentice and unfortunately has spent a time in hospital following a motoring accident. Keith HOWES (1957) is doing a similar course, though he has had a short stretch at sea. Robert GUEST (1957) is with the Harrison Line as a Deck Apprentice and is at present stationed in the m.v. Harpalion in the Far East. Correspondence from nearer home tells us of John SCARBROW (1955) in hospital prior to National Service having an operation on his foot, though we hope this is now cured. 'MESSRS. TUCKER (1956) and GILBERT (1955), both banking, have written to express their appreciation of the writing in "Janus", and W. MILLER (1957) is playing for his Insurance firm's 1st XV. Our recent leavers seemed to have a yen for Accountancy. J. TUDDENHAM. D. GLASS and W. MATTHEWS all being articled to firms of Accountants, and B. PHELPS has gone in for Stockbroking. One would express the pious hope that this augers well for the future of the Old Boys' finances. Alan LISTER has taken up newspaper reporting, which in its turn and in due course, takes care of these notes. Brian WOPKMAN has had a spell in the Public Library at Wandsworth, but will do a spell of teaching and games coaching before he goes up to the University in 1959. Maybe one day he will come back to Woolverstone, and we shall have a ready made Secretary! It is really most encouraging to see the Association growing as it is, and it should be possible quite soon to organise the first of the Old Boys' dinners. But more of that in another issue. An Old Boys' tie has now been designed and is in course of manufacture, and will be obtainable from Messrs. J. & J. Edwards at 13/11d., post free. It is a navy blue tie with gold wolves' heads woven all over the material. The design for the blazer pocket has not been quite finalised and will be announced in due course. NEW MEMBERS OF THE O.B.A.
We acknowledge with thanks magazines from the following:- Colchester R.G.,S., Northgate G.S.. Stowmarket G.S. Brentwood G.S. Woodbridge G.S., Royal Hospital School. St. Joseph's College, and Parkeston Sea Training School. |