EDITORIAL THE FACE OF THE School is changing fast. Our new buildings grow apace and, indeed, two Houses are now occupied. The occupation before they were completely finished was not easy, but the effect on our overcrowded life was quite remarkable. It is now possible to clear the School at the proper time, common rooms are no longer used as dormitories, and by this time next year we hope we shall be settling to a much more civilised life in every way,
We would like to pay tribute to the Contractors, Messrs. Rogers, of Felixstowe, and to their employees. It is not easy to build a new school on a site already being used, as, indeed, it is not easy to live surrounded by builders. The occasions when we have impinged on each other have been very few, and we are most grateful. With the new buildings, certain huts have been demolished, and by September there should be none in front of the School. The view of and from the Hall will be transformed. J. S. H. Smitherman
I. McCulloch succeeded R. R. Cox as Head of the School at the beginning of the Spring Term. The "Prefects" have been: R. R. Cox, I. McCulloch, D. A. Begg, D. Glass, R. Croucher, B. Workman, M. Brown, J. Byford. The "Blues" have been: T. Davies, A. George, A. Hunton, A. Kuptz, C. Warren, G. Brown, M. Cracknell, J. Hansell, A. Jones, R. Marriott. R. R. Cox has won an Open Exhibition in Modern Languages to Corpus Christi College, Cambridge UNIVERSITY ADMISSIONS - DEPARTURES & ARRIVALS - OTHER NEWS:
COLLECTIONS HAVE continued at a reasonable level, although they are, from house to house, a little uneven. After we have paid our annual sponsorship fee, the money collected continues to be put on one side for Wolfgang Thiele, who, I hope, will one day be able to come and spend some time in the School. Our balance now stands at £32, and, at the present rate of progress, we should have a worthwhile sum by the time he is old enough to come to see us. However poor we may feel we are ourselves, there are always folk worse off in every way, and I am delighted to see the School regularly supporting this worth while project. John S. H. Smitherman
AFTER THE performance of "The Mikado" at Christmas the various sections of the Music Club started on fresh ground during the Spring term. Both the Choral Society and the Orchestra began rehearsing for the Suffolk Music Festival which is to be held in Ipswich this year in May and June. The Choral Society made a good start working at Handel's "Messiah", parts of which will be performed at the Concert to be given on Speech Day on 20th July. Towards the end of the term the Beckstein grand piano was delivered to the School and, to celebrate its arrival, an Informal Concert was given in the Library Reading Room where the piano is being temporarily housed until the new Concert Hall is ready. The concert was given by Miss Olive Quantrell (Soprano), Mrs. Channon (Clarinet), R. Naurot (Piano) and Messrs. Richardson (Bass), Woolford (Piano) and Channon (Trumpet.) Items included "Shepherd on the Rock" - Schubert and a group of 18th century English songs. The concert ended with two arias from Handelian Oratorios for bass voice with trumpet obligato. During the Spring term parties of boys have attended concerts in Ipswich given by the Ipswich Orchestral Society, by Lord Harwood, Benjamin Britten and Peter Pears and by the B.B.C. Symphony Orchestra conducted by Sir Malcolm Sargent. A. Durrant was fortunate in being asked to play Percussion with the London Schools' Symphony Orchestra at their Easter Course and final Concert given at The Royal Academy of Music in London. I hope many more boys will have this opportunity later on. Merlin Channon
THE FIRST REMARK about this programme of One Act Plays must be in praise of the excellent choice. This is not easy as the number of good One Act Plays is small, and there is the further problem of achieving contrast without clash of style. Three of the plays were produced by boys - McCulloch, Workman and Davies. These three have been leading actors in all our productions, and it was good to see them able now to take charge of the acting of others. But we were not denied the pleasure of seeing them on the stage themselves as actors, and it might be debated whether they gave us greater enjoyment as producers or the produced. One Act Plays with their wholly different sets mean a lot of trouble for the Stage Manager, and the boys who looked after this unseen side of things deserve our praise, especially for the way in which they rose to the crisis on Friday night when there was an electrical breakdown. The sets were effective and the scene shifters prompt and quiet. Last we mention the prompter, Durrant, who had to fret in the Sick Bay during both performances. Is it a consolation to him to know that he was not needed on either night? "Bound East for Cardiff" - Eugene O'Neill: This play, produced by McCulloch, moved rather slowly - a fault, however, rather to be imputed to the author than to the producer or actors. Szepesy gave a good account of the dying Yank, and Bauer of the rough, kindly Driscoll. All the players tended to be rather inaudible especially on the first night, and the use of the spotlight on the sick man was over melodramatic. But these were minor blemishes on a very fair production of a difficult play. "An Incident" - Leonid Andreyev: This was a jovial, well-staged performance of a good farce. McCulloch as the murderer really let himself go with obvious enjoyment. Workman was a good police official, though it might have been more effective if he had begun more quietly and worked up to a climax of irritation. The supporting policemen were amusingly comic. "The Bespoke Overcoat" - Wolf Mankovitz: This is a difficult play and one not to everyone's taste. Much credit should go to the producer Davies, for so successfully tying together the episodes. Szepesy was a convincing Fender, and Shreeve as 'Morry' managed to keep us wondering about his intentions. D. Glass as Ranting was sufficiently unpleasant, and Cullen was a suitably pert young clerk. The off-stage street musicians, Simmons and Head, sounded very realistic. "The Proposal" - Anton Chekov: A lively production this, and that liveliness was well sustained by all the players. Rosen as Natalya proved a most accomplished flirt and her quarrels, and those of Davies as Chubakov, with Ivan Vasilevitch (McCulloch) were well worked up. I.M.R.
LIKE MOST of the audience I went to the Jazz Club's first Concert as an ignorant amateur hoping to enjoy myself. And in general I did. As a whole the audience seemed to be delighted, and even some of its older members, not exactly Squares nor exactly jazz addicts, came away very agreeably surprised. For one thing, the concert was well arranged and well staged; the programme offered a popular variety; the items were pleasantly introduced; and the musicians played without going in for many of the affectations that some performers show a weakness for. My own ignorant amateur's reactions were that Raymond Simmons, as trumpeter, pianist and band leader, performed and held the group together with great promise, and that he was ably backed up by an oddly hunch-backed Trevor Head at the piano. The rest of the group seemed less inspired, especially the rather heavy-handed drums. The skiffle group appeared to offer some of the most popular items on the programme, and the singing, of its kind, was not unpleasant; but to me it was disappointing to hear so many imitations of well-known recordings, which are themselves commercialised imitations. To have them at third hand was rather too much. That sort of thing is easy to get away with because most people like to be reminded of numbers they are already thoroughly familiar with. All in all, the Jazz Club deserve much praise for their talents and enthusiasm and for the hard work they have put in. Their first concert went over very well. I am sure the audience is looking forward to their next. So am I - only I hope it will be a little more ambitious. Ian R. Bell
THE 2nd FORM'S TRIP to Paris started with a delay at Victoria! However, when the train did come, we rushed on and took our seats; with a bit of a push we arrived at Newhaven and, after showing our handsome portraits to the officials, we boarded s.s. "Londres" and were soon under-way; and after various journeys into the ship's "innards" (and plenty of cider), we soon found ourselves in Dieppe harbour. Then came a train journey, and by 8 o'clock we were in the Gare, St. Lazare, Paris. A coach took us to our abode in St. Mande, and we were there by half-past. The next day, Sunday, dawned bright and clear, and after our coffee and rolls, we went on a circular tour of Paris. First we visited the city's prominent squares, the Place de la Concorde, site of the Guillotine, and the Place de la Bastille; then we ascended to Montmartre, saw the Sacre Coeur and then looked at the windmills there. That afternoon we walked right along the Champs Elysees and ended at the Unknown Soldier's Tomb. We were quite tired after this, and were glad to rest our feet in the evening. The next day we visited the Invalides and Napoleon's tomb, and in the afternoon went to the Louvre: again a long walk, but another good rest when O'Loughlin got lost there. He was soon found, though. The next morning was a bit of a "washout"; we had planned to go to the Pantheon, where Victor Hugo and other famous men are buried, but it was closed, and we had to go into I'Eglise de St. Genevieve. However, we spent some time in a cafe near there, and we then went off to get the Metro for Porte Doree, our nearest station. When we got to the entrance, we found we were missing Crowter, Robertson and Burch! We adopted the policy, "leave ,em alone, and they'll come home", and Robertson and Burch turned up after dinner. Regardless of Crowter, we travelled to the Eiffel Tower that afternoon and went to the top platform, from where we had a good view right over Paris. I must say, however, that after getting used to the Paris landscape, my first thought was; "Where's the Eiffel Tower?" Crowter arrived back that evening, not much the worse for his exploits. Wednesday turned out to be a very nice day indeed. In the morning there was a trip along the Seine in a river boat, with a perspex roof and walls. In the afternoon we went onto the Ile de la Cite, and visited the Conciergerie, which was used as a prison for the prisoners of the Revolution (including Marie Antoinette), and the Saint-Chapelle, with its beautiful windows, finishing with the flower-market and Notre-Dame. The whole of Thursday was spent at Versailles. We visited the actual palace in the morning, then had a packed lunch, and in the afternoon we walked in the grounds and saw the ornamental ponds, the Trianons and Marie Antoinette's farm. The weather was pleasant and we enjoyed it very much. Friday morning came, and we bought the rest of our presents in the big store, Galeries de Lafayette, and in the afternoon went to the Zoo de Vincennes, in the Bois de Vincennes. Too soon Saturday came, and we were driven to the Gare du Nord, from where we spent a good three hours on the train to Calais. When we arrived there was a tremendous crowd, and while we were waiting for the Customs, the boat sailed, and, to save bad language, I will just say we were delayed for three-and-a-half hours. When we did go on board another boat, we had a very good tea below, but as the weather wasn't too good, this tea didn't stay down long! At last we did arrive at Folkestone, and were rather glad to see "real English posters"; we were delayed by the Customs again, but not for long. With a bit of wangling, we managed to get on the Golden Arrow train, 2nd class, and were in Victoria station once more, at about 11 p.m., after a good holiday. Michael Playle (IIA)
JE VOIS UN PAYSAGE, un paysage bleu et vide et infini. C'est d'un bleu profond mais un bleu qui posséde une charrne vivante et étrange. En le regardant, j'apercois un petit point d'argent qui flamboie dans la profondeur du bleu. Dans le cortége de ce point jaillit une raie vapoureuse et blanche qui grandit pour enfin disparaître dans le bleu éternal du ciel d'été. Aprés la tombée de la nuit on voit beaucoup de points d'argent, mais ils ne flamboient pas avec la grace rapide de l'autre: ils étincellent tranquilles et d'une lumiére qui ne change depuis des siècles. I1 y a aussi une grande balle d'or qui sourit bénigne sur le monde endormi, C'est la nuit, mais elle est tranquille, d'une chaleur délicieuse et vivante, vraiment une des nuits d'été faites particulièrement pour les amoureux. Le vent est formidable, et les grands nuages, gris et déchiquetés, courent devant lui, tout comme les petites feuilles rouges et brunes et ratatinées qui avaient dansé en autornne. I1 fait froid et le soleil se cache dans l'épaule des nuages devant les yeux des gens gelés. Il fait froid, il gèle, il neige: c'est l'hiver. Les étoiles étincellent par intervalles, c'est que les nuages courent devant le vent encore, comme s'ils doivent faire le tour du monde avant le retour du soleil. I1 gèle, et le ciel est dur et ennemi, et dans la nuit les nuages ont une teinte bleue et sombre. Les seuls habitants du ciel sont les étoiles, les dieux dorment depuis bien des siècles, et le ciel est le ciel gelé et désolé de la nuit d'hiver. Andrew Szepesy (VI)
MY FIRST impressions on entering the National Hall, Olympia, was how crowded it was at 10 o'clock on a Friday morning. Turning to the left I reached the J. and J. Silber display. These are agents in this country for the new 35mm. Baldessa, an instrument incorporating novel features, a piano-key release and quick, wind key, and a good lens and shutter. From there I progressed to the Leica stand to see their latest model, the IIIg and their fabulous enlarger which is almost fully automatic. I then went to see the new Corfield exhibit, the Periflex III, a really remarkable British camera with single-lens focussing by periscope and interchangeable lenses with the Leica thread. It also has an eleven speed, exposure-value shutter with speeds ranging from one to one-thousandth of a second. The R. G. Lewis under-water team gave a magnificent demonstration, sponsored by the 'Popular Photography' magazine. This form of photography is becoming increasingly popular, and now an enterprising firm has introduced an underwater casing for 35 mm. cameras in the twenty to thirty pounds range. A bevy of beauties were posing in the 'Amateur Photographer' studio for enthusiasts to try their luck at photographing them and perhaps collect a prize. I lingered at every stand in the exhibition, but I have only discussed the more striking features present. This was the most comprehensive photographic display in Great Britain since the war, and well worth visiting. John P. Williams (IVA)
CYCLING IN THE YORKSHIRE DALES OUR TOUR WAS TO commence at Bradford and was to take us in a wide circle via Haworth, Stipton, Ingleton, Richmond and Ilkley. Covering about 160 miles in seven days' cycling we should be seeing such interesting natural features as the 'Strid' and Malham Cove and Tarn, and places of historical interest such as Richmond Castle and Bolton Abbey. The first sight of real interest was Malham Tarn, which we espied after a long, arduous climb up through limestone country: it is a large lake set high in the wild moors of the West Riding of Yorkshire, and used as a nature reserve and field centre. Richmond Castle reminds us of mediaeval days, while at the 'Strid', the River Wharfe is narrowed into a foaming torrent rushing through a rocky gorge. As we cycled through the Bronte country, Wharfedale and Swaledale, we were left in no doubt about the beauty and variety of the Yorkshire scenery; though covering only a comparatively small area in our tour, the changes that took place were often remarkable. In the Haworth district the fells were compassed with small slate walls; in Malhamdale the walls became limestone; at Aysgarth there were no stone walls, hedges taking their place. Cattle and sheep alone were reared by the hill farmers, while as we descended the valleys, arable land became more and more apparent .... Even the climate was varied: hot sun, rain, hail and snow all in one day! The Youth Hostels that sheltered us at night were pf various architectural designs, from the 'Old Rectory' at Linton-in-Craven, to Crinton Lodge, a castle-like mansion perched on the fellside overlooking Swaledale. But whatever the design, the accommodation was first-class ... and those views from the tops of the hills were breath-taking - or would have been if we had had any breath left by the time we had pushed our bikes up to the tops! Nevertheless, there were few mishaps, and in spite of our repeated grumbling about the amount of climbing that had to be done, I am sure that if we were given the chance to go again, we should all grasp it eagerly. David M. KING (IIIB)
AT THE BEGINNING of the term, flocks of widgeon, tufted duck, coot and waders were still present on the river. The breeding shelducks were beginning to pair off, and the waders to split up from their winter flocks to rnigrate to more northerly parts of England and the Continent. Gradually the flocks of widgeon, tufted duck and coot got smaller, till at last there were only the shelduck, gulls, and a few waders. Parties of finches and tits still fed on the saltings, however, and an occasional kingfisher could be seen flitting swiftly over the reed tops. Meanwhile, nesting preparations were being made on land by mistel thrushes; a little later by the song thrushes, and at the same time by the blackbirds. These members of the thrush family, including the robins, were the first to sing, and later came the chaffinches and yellow hammer's songs. About this time, a party of waxwings, winter visitors from Europe, could be seen feeding regularly every day for nearly two weeks in the hawthorn trees opposite the stoker's hut. One of these birds died, and was taken to be set up. Considering one usually gets only a quick glance at them, or hears them flying overhead, they stayed in the area for a very long time. There was great activity among the great and blue tits, which performed short nuptial displays of chasing, while in the valley, long tailed tits were making their 'bottle-shaped' nest In the heart of a bramble bush. By now, pairs of shelduck could be seen by the valley ponds, and occasionally flying inland high over the trees. By the end of March, there were over fifteen thrushes nesting in the area, as well as a few chaffinches, and the jackdaws were starting their nest plundering antics again. And lastly, by the first week in April, the summer visitors were arriving, of which willow warblers and redstarts were the first. Michael J. Wort (IIIA)
THE SUGGESTION OF our walk to some distant destination was received with enthusiasm, and we were instructed to go the next week-end; that gave us four days of preparation, and four hectic days they were! We were to leave on the Friday morning, returning Sunday evening, having walked to Cambridge, and back. Well, to us, and to all with whom we discussed it, the journey in that time seemed very easy. But we found this to be a fallacy. With thirty shillings 'Bail-Money' we started out and by five o'clock on Friday afternoon we were 'dead-beat'; our backs and shoulders were sore from the haversacks, and blisters were developing on our feet. All day long, many an empty lorry had passed us without even thinking of giving us a lift, then suddenly a long open brick transporter pulled up. It was going to Cambridge! The driver was very friendly and helpful, and dropped us just outside Cambridge, by the Air Field. Vic Shreeve had the misfortune to get a brick-chip in his eye on the first part of the journey, and for the remainder he travelled in the cab. While he was in there the driver had told him where to go for permission to camp. The owner of the small-holding asked few questions and offered us an old hut to sleep in for the night; there was running water and everything was very convenient. The night air was cold and we were a bit dubious about taking it; we were rather looking forward to a warm night in our arctic-type tent. However, we took the hut, and while Vic and I went off down the road to a cafe, Alec Johnston stayed behind to unpack the supplies and bedding. We cooked a wonderful meal and turned in at about half-past ten. We were very glad of the hut! The next morning we packed up, left our belongings in the hut and went into the city by bus. We proceeded straight to the Police Station, and obtained the City Police Stamp as proof that we had reached our destination. While in the city, a very well dressed, very short 'undergrad' walked past with a lady friend-twice his size. He looked us up and down (we must have looked a motley crew) and gave Vic a most disgusted look. Instantly Vic with his quick wit bowed most sedately to the 'undergrad' who cursed and led his lady quickly away. By five o'clock that afternoon we were over twenty miles out of Cambridge, that was with the help of a short, very uncomfortable ride in a lorry loaded with peculiar wooden objects, an hour after we had started out. But it seemed that our luck was out, we were not going to get another lift and the next day was Sunday - there would be very few lorries on the road. As lorry after lorry rumbled by without stopping we began, amongst ourselves, to curse the drivers. The sun was very hot on our backs, and the going was very wearisome. We thought of our five o'clock luck of the previous day, but it did not come again. At six, we were looking for a place to camp, the sun was going down, and suddenly a large car pulled up and took us on all the way to Stowmarket - we were very grateful. By this time it was getting dark, and we could not find a place to camp. A cold breeze was blowing as we trudged along the road. We stopped at a farm, but there was no one in. Across the road, a light shone in a private house. We asked the owner if he knew of a place nearby where we could camp for the night, he offered us a tree-surrounded corner of his front garden. Wearily we accepted and pitched our tent in the semi-darkness, cooked, ate and went to sleep. Next morning there was a heavy frost outside, and half-an-inch of ice on our water bucket. It was a very cold morning, so we breakfasted quickly and broke camp at ten o'clock and were on the road again, an easy day we thought - only twenty miles! After a leisurely 'fry-up' by the roadside at lunch-time, we walked on until seven fifteen before we had completed those twenty miles, and they seemed the longest miles we had ever known - probably because we knew the road so well. Again the sun beat down upon us and made us very thirsty. Walking up Freston Hill, it was very cold again, and our feet were terribly sore. We arrived and reported to the Headmaster; we had been to Cambridge and back in three days, that was our task. But really, we had failed to do what everybody thought would be very easy. Out of the hundred and twenty miles there and back, we had walked only sixty-five - but we found that sixty-five miles with a heavy pack is no joke! It is a challenge - could you do it? John Byford (VI)
SINCE ITS APPEARANCE in 1947 the Vickers Viscount has gained world-wide publicity. It has proved itself a grand success and has found its way into many airlines of the world. Economy of operation and comfort are the two main assets which contribute to its popularity. British European Airways have supported its existence from the start and now possess some 35 of this handsome airliner. The production of the Viscount is being carried out at two main factories. The first is at Weybridge in Surrey and the other, Hurn, near Southampton. Already about 250 Viscounts have been produced from them at the steady rate of about five a month. The Weybridge factory, however, is now concentrating on the new 800 series, an improved and modified version. The Viscount has been the answer to many airlines' problems for medium distance operation, thus many orders were placed with Vickers. The American airline, Capitol Airlines have received all of their 75 Viscounts. These are very good dollar-producers. Many other airlines of the world have enjoyed its numerous merits, although not on such a grand scale. The Viscount has mainly been of one type with the modified 800 series following. This is suitable to very many applications, but now B.E.A. will introduce a special variant suited to short-haul operation, mainly to the Channel Islands. Otherwise the pattern of operation is generally straight-forward. In 1947 the prototype flew, thus becoming the first turbo-prop airliner in the world. In 1949 it inaugurated its services abroad to France and Sweden. By 1953 B.E.A. had their order of 20 of the earlier model Viscounts. These proved very popular and the corporation's profits went up. In late 1956 the 800 Series Viscounts were coming into service and are aptly supplementing the good work done by the older 700 Series. The 700 Viscount seats 47 passengers and the 800 Series up to 70 passengers flying at over 300 miles an hour. It is powered by the now world-famous Rolls-Royce Dart engine which appears very slim when mounted on the aircraft. As an intended Viscount replacement, Vickers, in close co-operation with B.E.A. and Rolls-Royce, are now evolving a new airliner, the Vanguard. This can be used on heavy freighter routes in the winter when passenger traffic is very low. It features a "double-bubble" fuselage. Trans-Canada Airlines, in addition to B.E.A. have ordered 24 Vanguards for their large fleet. This order including spares is worth 67m. dollars or £24m. The Vanguard looks as promising as its forerunner the Viscount and should give outstanding service in the same way as the Viscount, which has satisfied many customers and is very likely to satisfy many more in its long, successful life of good service. Niall O'Loughlin (IVA)
IN DECEMBER I went to Grindelwald in Switzerland for my holidays. It is a well-known resort for skiers. Briefly, I went to Calais by boat, caught a night train to Berne, the capital, changed there and proceeded to Interlaken. From Interlaken I took a train, which "relied" on cog-wheels, for Grindelwald is well up in the mountains. As winter was in the air, it was snow-covered. Grindelwald is hemmed in by the Wetterhorn, and other mountains, and not far away is the Jungfrau. My first desire when I got there was to learn how to ski. At length, having laced on my skis, I am asked to slide down a very gentle slope. Terrifying hallucinations dart before me. Gruesome thoughts pass through my mind. Suddenly I am at the bottom of the hill, still on top of my skis. Now I attempt a much more dangerous slope - about 1 in 25! I lean forward, bend my knees and - good luck -I survive. Getting uphill is very difficult and tiring, but that is soon overcome. A week later I was on to "Christies" and "Stem turns", both means of turning, and could now stop at will. Often I met the snow face to face-quite literally. "Luging" is another popular sport for youngsters. The technique is the same as in tobogganning, except that it takes place on icy roads, and is probably more fun. I was once deceived by an imperceptible turning in the road, which was very icy. I dug my right foot into the ground meaning to turn right - but, alas! in vain. I slid sideways (or as I have been told: "christied") for a good distance, and, in the end, I landed up in a ditch. In my opinion - and experience, luging is more dangerous than ski-ing! Coupled with luging is tailing, a night sport. Horses, pulling a carriage, with two lines of about four luges attached to it, climb up to a high point. Then the fun starts. Rushing down the hills again, you are flung from side to side in a most alarming manner, and you can do nothing, save hold on to your luge. It is a rare occasion in which nobody falls off! Staying in Grindelwald over the new year, I saw a few of their customs. To drive away the bad spirits and welcome the good ones, a few people, dressed up, walk through every house and hut in the vicinity ringing deafening bells. A head-splitting squeal of fright heralds the entrance of a pig. Touching its rough skin will bring one good luck - heaven knows how! I was lucky enough that same night to blow on an Alpine Horn. It is a pipe about ten feet long. The expert played us some music; but a sad, low groan was all I produced! I joined one train excursion which went from Grindelwald to Kleine Scheidegg to Jungfraujoch. To go to Kleine Scheidegg only cost me a few francs, but to go to Jungfraujoch would have cost me fifty francs (about four pounds). This is the highest "village" in Europe and it is a great feat of engineering. From Scheidegg to Jungfraujoch a pleasant view of the black gloom of a tunnel awaits you all the way. An observatory and a hotel are two of the buildings here. For some seemingly inexplicable reason the ground is riddled with tunnels. I also went up to First (feerst) where commences the famous skiers' run down to Grindelwald. It is a very dangerous run. One can only go up by chair-lift from which wonderful views can be obtained. At First one sees right down, down into the valley where there is pin-point Grindelwald. From a thrilling holiday in Grindelwald I went to Geneva, where I spent many good times. I visited the United Nations' Organisation building and International Labour Organisation building -both of them are magnificent. Geneva is not hemmed in by any mountains but there is the beautiful Lake Leman. I went on several trips on the lake, which is thirty miles long. Mont Blanc can be seen in the distance. One of the most exhilarating train journeys is to Brig, and from Brig a third of the way to Berne. One can see right down below in the valleys from the rocky ledge on which the train is perched. The Simplon tunnel (the longest in the world) runs from Brig, although I did not realise this until later. Having seen two vastly different-sized places, in different weather, and in different surroundings with different people, I am thoroughly impressed with Switzerland although I am sure there are many more beautiful views to be sought. J. Abrams (IIIA)
A FEW WEEKS AGO, astronomers were rather excited at the appearance of a stranger in outer space. The gigantic Arend-Roland comet was passing the Earth. The astronomers were aroused, not only because the unprecedented visitor was a rarity but also because it was well developed in that it had a 'beard' which is even rarer. This 'beard' is a long thin spike which projects from the main body of the comet in the direction of the nearest star. In this instance it measured ten thousand miles by five million miles. The body is mainly gaseous with rocks intermingled. Extending in the opposite direction to the 'beard' is the fifteen million mile long tail. But the uncommon spectacle remains to the unaided human eye a mere smudge, a little to the west of the Pole Star. It remained visible until the moon appeared on May 4th and was visible on May 14th when at 10.30 there was an eclipse of the moon. The Arend-Roland comet is of the type that wanders through space never to recross its own path. No human eye will ever see it again after it has gone, whereas Halley's comet is of the other kind which has a definite orbit. This giant has been traced back to 240 B.C. and according to calculations should return in 1987. Whether it has burned out into a meteor swarm or disintegrated never to return, we cannot yet tell.
![]() RUGBY
On Saturday, March 16th we ambitiously arranged a match for the 1st XV against an Old Boys' XV. I say ambitiously, for Old Boys are notoriously difficult to get together, and as the School is so young, in this instance it was a great credit to our 'Old Boys' that they were able to muster almost a full team. On the whole they were very young 'Old Boys'. Indeed, some of the aged members of the 1st XV were able to give a year or two to at least one of the veterans. The School won the match by 43 points to nil, not that the fact is of any consequence, as for once we were able to watch a match on Church Field, not caring who would win. The School won as a result of superior team work, which was to be expected, and as a result of superior fitness, which was also to be expected, bearing in mind the indulgent pleasures to which an Old Boy is entitled and which are denied the schoolboy. Robjohns was unanimously appointed captain of the team and much of the credit for the thoroughly pleasant atmosphere of the game is due to him, this despite the fact that one member of the lst XV, who shall be nameless, literally shuddered when he saw him wriggling with difficulty into the largest jersey we had to offer him. It was good to see again the tireless Gilbert working industriously around the base of the scrum, to see Tucker again in full flight on the wing and to hear again the chorus from young throats on the touch-line "Give it to Tubby". In the closing stages of the game this is precisely what the Old Boys did as often as they could, and it was due to no lack of endeavour on 'Tubby's' part that the elusive try, that everyone on the touchline was waiting to cheer to the echo, did not materialise. We offer our congratulations to Spicer for expending so much energy, for 70 minutes - voluntarily. It was a pity that such a happy occasion should be marred by injury. Cuffley split his scalp, as a result of a particularly courageous tackle, and was able to renew his acquaintance with the sick bay and the joys thereof. He was patched up sufficiently, however, to join in the reception which was held in the Library later in the day. This was a successful little occasion and it was interesting, to listen to the tales there were to be told of new occupations, rows with "the boss", club mates and their antics, new found adult pastimes, and of course news of other past pupils who were unable to be present. The friendly, reminiscent nature of this, the first annual Old Boys' match, will I am sure remain constant, but the result of the actual match will change. As more boys leave and play with clubs, the Old Boys' side will get stronger each year, and the time will be when the School XV will be proud when it wins. We are grateful to Robjohns and his men for pioneering the event and we thank them for adding a permanent entry on our calendar. Ivor Glyn Evans
THE SEVENS TOURNAMENT The Sevens Competition was much more keenly disputed than were the ordinary House matches. Three teams were certainly in the running for the 'Trophy'. Unfortunately, Halls, winners last year, had lost most of their winning side and were never serious challengers. In the first round Corners were drawn against Hansons, and Johnstons against Halls. There was nothing in the Corners-Hansons match until the second half when Corners scored two goals. Neither side, however, showed anything up to expected form There were no clean passing movements, and passes were thrown badly and mishandled. Johnstons overran Halls and so met Corners in the final. Their forwards were bigger and stronger than their opponents and, given enough of the ball, their backs certainly showed no lack of initiative. Quick to follow up on the opposing threes' mistakes (and there were many) and to make their own openings, they crossed the line five times to run up a final score of 17-3. Corners once again failed to click, passes went astray and tackles were missed. This was Johnstons' first-ever inter-House success. May it be the first of many. Brian Workman
SUFFOLK A.A.A. CROSS-COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIP THE SCHOOL ENTERED two teams, Boys and Youths, for the Suffolk A.A.A. Cross-country races, which were run over a course prepared by last year's winners of the event, R.H.S. Holbrook. The Boys ran over a three-mile course and the School finished fourth out of ten competing teams. The Youths' team whose course was over three and a half miles, was placed second out of six teams. David Begg achieved the best-ever individual performance in an event outside the School by being placed fourth in the Youths' race. This is the most satisfactory result obtained by the School, as one must remember that although the Youths were also placed second in 1956, only two teams were competing. Partly as a result of the teams' performance the School was asked to hold the race at Woolverstone next year. H.M.S. Ganges were team winners in both races, and also took the individual honours in the Youths' event. B. WORKMAN
NATURAL HISTORY TWO EXCURSIONS were enjoyed during the Autumn. A party of nine boys joined the Suffolk Naturalists in a Fungus Foray. Under the guidance of Mr. Porter, a distinguished mycologist, they collected and identified nearly all the genera of fungi and added some new finds to the records of the county. Another party of 30 boys spent a Sunday in the marsh flats along the River Deben under the guidance of Mr Hanson. Many wading and estuary birds were observed at close quarters - for some of the younger boys this was a fascinating introduction to a most worthwhile and rewarding hobby. DURING LAST TERM pottery and clay modelling were popular activities, and we now hope to build a kiln in order to make permanent the work which is produced. A group of bookbinders has also met regularly, their numbers being limited at present by the space available. During the recent holidays a party visited the exhibition of 'Art in London Schools' at County Hall. A remarkable range of very fine work in Art and Craft was on view, and members might well note that one aim was to show how much can be achieved without any attempt to ape a professional manner. There was also an interesting programme of short films and excerpts from longer ones, intended to foster an interest in the fine arts. Leslie Woolford
We welcome the new members who joined last term and hope that they will produce some good work. The printing of the programmes for the plays was made much easier by the acquisition of some full size type cases and some extra founts of type. During the Christmas term members of the club spent a most interesting afternoon at the premises of Messrs. Cowells in Ipswich, where some of the finest printing and colour work in the country is done. All departments were visited, from the composing room with its ingenious Monotype setting machines, to the Bindery from which finished books emerge. Finally, members were able to talk with Mr. Geoffrey Scott, the work's manager, over an excellent tea. Leslie Woolford
SEPTEMBER, 1956 SAW the germination of the seed of an idea that had been forming in my mind for almost a year previously. In that month, a long awaited piano, provided by the Amenities Fund, and the use of a hut in the Northern Group, made the idea of Jazz in the School possible. From those early beginnings, of the merciless shrieks of an untamed clarinet, and the shattering reverberation of an attempted off-beat, evolved an activity shared at first only by the chosen few but ultimately enjoyed by the many. Of all types of Jazz Music in general, perhaps the two most popular and, conveniently, the easiest to execute are the Dixieland style, and "Rhythm and Blues", or its modern successor Rock 'n Roll. So with these in mind, and the thought of a possible concert in time, we set to work, experimenting with different line-ups until we found a combo which suited both trends of Jazz fairly satisfactorily. The result was the highly successful concert given at the end of last Easter term. Elated though we of the club may feel at the result of this concert, we must admit, however, that musically we are not outstanding and there is plenty of room for improvement, although we have progressed remarkably during the last six months. The recent addition of two saxes, an alto and a tenor, into the club has provided a new stepping stone and has introduced "swing" into our repertoire. We hope to exploit this fully after the G.C.E. Finally I, and the members of the club, would like to express our thanks to the Headmaster who has made this club possible and to other members of the staff who have shown co-operation in this field of music. Ray Simmons (VA)
MODEL RAILWAY CLUB THE WINTER SEASON has seen a tremendous expansion in the Railway. Another room has been taken in, and the track work for a very large station completed. To run a train from terminus to terminus now means that it must be passed through five controllers and five operators, at times a difficult undertaking! The Hornby set-up has been dismantled, and much of it sold. With the proceeds we have purchased Triang locomotives and rolling stock, which have given first class service. The Club has been well supported, and modelling has continued, though not quite on the same level as last year. Many thanks are due to Mr. Pillai for his willing help with our Club. The future is somewhat uncertain because within twelve months our hut must be demolished. I have no doubt, however, that we shall find a new home. John S. H. Smitherman
SEA CADETS The Unit's annual Admiralty Inspection was carried out on March 4th, by Cdr. Luckett, D.S.C., R.N., the Area Officer. He expressed himself well-pleased with what he saw and gave the impression that, if the Unit played its part in Zone and Area sporting activities during the year, we could probably look forward with some confidence to the award of an Efficiency Pendant for the year's work. In the same week, the Unit received a 'Letter of Commendation' from the Vice-Admiral Commanding Reserves, for the year 1956. The Letter of Commendation is a second-best to a pendant - we hope that this year we will not have to be content with 'second-best'. At the same time, it should be borne in mind that the award of pendants is on a competitive basis within Areas, and that in the Midland Area, to which this Unit belongs, are to be found some of the best units in the country, so that the competition is extremely strong. At the end of March, examinations for Leading Seaman and Able Seaman were held, with the following results: Passed for Leading Seaman: Cunningham and Cochrane Classes: Campling, House, Williams, P. A., Stanton. Drake and Duncan Classes: Doo, Fraser-Smith, Howes, Sandland, Williams, P. L., Bailey, Leeson, Stringer, Wilds. Passed for Able Seaman: Lewis, Mason, Freeman, Bratt, Grimson, Stephens, Ashdown, Dilley, Perkins, Tilley, Glaysher, Cullen. These results are very satisfactory and the successful candidates in Drake and Duncan classes deserve special congratulation, in that they took the examination only three days after the earliest date on which they were permitted to do so by Sea Cadet Regulations which lay down a minimum of 9 months between passing for Able Seaman and examination for Leading Seaman. At the end of the Christmas term, the Unit acquired the 25-ft. motor cutter which had been so long expected. On arrival, its condition was not at all what we had hoped for, and since then much time and money has been spent on making it seaworthy and presentable. Now, however, it is looking as though it will be a useful addition to the Unit's equipment, and we hope to have it in the water and do trials on it before these notes appear in print. An addition to the Unit's activities this past term has been the formation of a 'special section' with the aid of Under-Officer Byford, who is attached to the Unit as an Instructor. The object of the section is to create a small body of cadets who will be capable of looking after themselves on land as well as on water - in effect, a kind of 'Combined Operations' training. Also, four cadets have been seconded to the Mechanical Training course which Mr. Thomas conducts on Monday afternoons. During the Easter holidays, Cadets Bailey, Fraser-Smith and House were awarded the Air Badge after a week's course at the Royal Naval Air Station at Bramcote. It is hoped that more cadets will be inspired to go away to the Navy for some of these week-long training courses, during which cadets are victualled by the Service at no cost to themselves, and receive training which should be both useful and entertaining. There are also sea-going cruises in Naval and Merchant vessels available for any cadet who has assed his Able Seaman examination and wants to do something in his holiday which is both unusual and useful. Finally, as Commanding Officer of the Unit, I must place on record my thanks to S/Lt. Poole, Mr. Smith and Mr. Chandler for their cheerful and unstinted help and co-operation. Also I must thank the Leading Seamen of Anson, Beatty and Benbow classes who have been doing a great deal of instructing this last term. It is only as a result of their help that it has been possible for the Unit to expand as it has done. I look forward to the day when we have some Cadet Petty Officers from these classes; when we have some crossed anchors in the Unit, we may fairly be said to have 'come of age'. Stanislaus Goetzee
"Adolph" Cox is now Special Coder Cox in the Royal Navy where he is learning Russian and no doubt expounding his knowledge of the German tongue as vigorously as he did at Woolverstone. At times it was difficult to establish his nationality since he spoke in such a queer dialect of German, French and pigeon-English and, in addition, was possessed both with a hair-style of extraordinary thickness and feet of a rather large size. He was an active Head Boy and has undoubtedly smoothed some of the worries from the paths of his successors. ROBERT M. J. CROUCHER
Editor of "Janus", 1955-56. Dramatic Production, 1955. "Crouch" was by far the most studious of all the Upper-Sixth and no one worked so steadily and assiduously as he did. However this did not mean either that he shunned company or that he took no part in boisterous activities. He was the originator of a great many new words in the English Language and the perpetrator of many which had been forgotten for centuries. THOMAS J. DAVIES
Tom Davies is mainly associated with painting, avoiding School cross-countries, acting and singing, making witty remarks while sprinting for the School and "traying", which, for the benefit of the unenlightened, is the art of toboganning on a tray. He was also the proud possessor of a rather antique bicycle which he had the good sense to give to someone else before he left. It is perhaps true to say that he was the most care-free of the Upper- Sixth, his company was never dull and he was almost always in a happy frame of mind. Ian McCulloch OLD BOYS ASSOCIATION News from the Services shows that MICHAEL MOSS (56) has joined the R.A.F., hoping for a commission later on. ROBERT COX (56) is in the Royal Navy, apparently enjoying his initial training, as opposed to ROBERT CROUCHER (56) who is not so lucky in the oyal Artillery. B. ROBJOHNs (53) is on wireless watch in the R.A.F., and travelled up from Wiltshire to captain the Old Boys' XV. M. COX (51) is in the Royal Navy, but we do not know what the mysterious letters A/L REM in front of his name mean. We were particularly glad to welcome him to the Association, as he left Woolverstone just before the present regime began. From the Merchant Navy, news comes that D. R. BROWN (52) has passed his 2nd Mate's exams, and he is now qualified. He is, too, engaged to be married. FRANCIS LYONS (53) has been passing his exams brilliantly, and is now the acting 3rd Officer of his ship while still an apprentice. PAUL McMASTER (56) is with his ship in the Western Hemisphere and spent Christmas in Trinidad with the temperature at 90deg. FRANK RAVENSCROFT (56) is in America with his ship, and took an Outward Bound course before he went. BRIAN JENKINS (54) is still at school in Australia, a member of his school magazine committee, running the debating society, and having been elected a prefect. Gone are the days when he could stop up the exhaust pipes of visiting cars with impunity! GERALD BYRDE (56) in Salisbury, S. Rhodesia, is thinking of giving up cricket for tennis-terrible thought. He is working in the big store and hoping to join the staff of African Airways. Still studying are COLIN LEWIS (56), thoroughly enjoying him- self at Bristol University, and RONALD GOULD (55) at the Northampton Engineering College studying ophthalmic optics. W. LLOYD (56) and A. GREEN (56) are both working in Banks, the former with the Commercial Bank of the Near East. His companions are Greeks, an Egyptian and a Cypriot. V. GILBERT (55) and ALAN TUCKER (56) are banking too. C.-LAIFFONEY-LANE (56) is working with the Anchor Line, and playing football for his firm. Visits to the School have been paid by him, and by P. McMASTER, A. A. T. SMITH (56) and CUFFLEY (55). The last two, however, have not joined the Association, though we hope they will by Whit Monday! So the Association grows. Old Boys' letters give us all much pleasure, and I am looking forward to the time when the Association ill be so big that an Old Boy of considerable leisure will have to run it. We are all looking forward to Whit Monday, the first Old Boys' Day.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Northgate G.S., Ipswich School, Colchester R.G.S., Woodbridge G.S., Dr. Barnardo's at Parkeston, H.M.S. Fisgard and Ottershaw Park, St. Joseph's College, Brentwood School. |