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EDITORIAL THIS EDITION OF JANUS is, in some ways, a memorable one, as it is the first in the new era of the school's life. Now that the last of the Nautical boys have left we have become a normal grammar school. We include at the end of this issue news from some of the Nautical boys and we hope that each edition of JANUS will contain similar news, and that the Old Boys' Association will grow and flourish. The possibility of including a photographic supplement to this edition has been carefully considered, but it was decided that this was not possible owing to the amount of time needed to process the pictures. Once again the editors have pleasure in awarding two book prizes for the best-written contributions, one from each half of the school. The articles we print are the best the school has produced, but you may not consider them of a very high standard. If this is so, it is up to each and every one of you to write better ones in future. On behalf of the school, the editors would like to extend a warm welcome to the new members of the staff and also to offer Mr Halls, who left in the summer. Best wishes for his studies at Oxford. HEADMASTER'S NOTES WITH THE END of the second year of the school's existence, we really come to the end of our first phase. The last of the Nautical boys have left. Many of them have been extremely helpful to us in getting the school under way and I hope they will always be proud of their association with the school. When the Old Boys' Association is formed, I shall look forward to a great many of them joining its ranks. The last year has been a year of real progress and the school is fast taking shape. This term Woolverstone House has been opened as a House for Corners and this is a great achievement. At long last one of our houses will he living properly as a boarding-house should and not eking out its existence as if we were a camp school. For months now planning and scheming have been going on and I hope it will not be long before there are further signs of progress in the same direction. Much has happened to enhance the reputation of the school. Our Rugby teams have been particularly successful. One can see our Music and Dramatics developing and many of the societies are becoming more mature and businesslike. Our School journeys to Paris, Derbyshire and North Wales, our visits to Ipswich and such places as the Suffolk Show at Shrublands Park have brought us in contact with a host of people outside the school. We know there is a tremendous amount to be done before we can be at all satisfied with our school but on the whole we have had a good year, a year of sound growth. It is up to the school itself to see that this continues. THE SUFFOLK SHOW The Suffolk Show attracted landowners, farmers, and farm workers alike, some merely as. spectators, some as exhibitors. A great deal of the show was taken up exhibiting cattle and livestock in general. There was also a large amount of farm machinery which nowadays plays a big part on the farm. Brewers from all over the county sent in some of the most splendid cart-horses in the hope of winning a prize. In a large enclosure horse-riding and jumping were displayed. Various cows, sheep and bulls were shown off in the paddock, among which were Friesians, Red Polls, Guernseys, Jerseys and Aberdeen Anguses. Another feature of the show was the sheep-dog trials, which were also held in the paddock. Many manufacturers sent in numerous types of farm machinery, including ploughs, harrows, ditch-diggers, lorries, tractors and combine harvesters. Other displayers were exhibiting fertilizers, flowers, rabbits, poultry, petrol, refreshments and many others, not to mention the ice-cream stalls. The St John Ambulance Brigade tended to children and accidents. Now a few words about the Young Farmers' Club. The School group did a display on the construction of a beehive, and explained the making of it. We had another ready-made and painted hive to show what the finished article looked like. We were also making foundation frames on which the bees make their honeycombs. Another group had rigged up a well-furnished, three-walled room in which everything was made by them. There were also some very interesting sheep-shearing demonstrations by a couple of older Australian members. The three exhibits went under the names of 'Good Countrymen', 'Good Citizens', and 'Good Farmers'. The Suffolk Show provided a first-class opportunity for the Woolverstone Hall Young Farmers' Club to take part in an agricultural show. V. SHREEVE - G. BROWN (IIIA) ACCOUNT OF SCHOOL JOURNEY TO PARIS During the Easter holidays, a party of twenty boys and two masters, Mr Halls and Mr Mudd, visited Paris for eight days. We left Victoria at eight a.m. on Thursday, 7 April, via Newhaven - Dieppe, arriving in Paris about 6.30 p.m. We had a fine crossing on the s.s. Londres with no cases of seasickness. Dieppe still bore gaunt signs of the German occupation and was very much a 'one-horse town'. From here we went via Rouen to Paris, St Lazare, and from there to our hotel, the 'Amerique', situated in a quiet street in the north of Paris, not far from the Opera and Rue Lafayette. We soon settled in our rooms, and then proceeded to a small restaurant in an adjoining street for our evening meal. In the morning, those of us who are used to a huge breakfast of cereal, egg and bacon, and toast and marmalade in England, had rather a shock when we saw the French version of 'breakfast', which consists of black coffee and rolls called 'croissants'. Most of us enjoyed it, however, especially Mr Mudd who always looked forward to it very much. During the trip we were allowed quite a decent amount of free time in which to get to know Paris by ourselves and exercise our knowledge of the French language. This proved very different from that really spoken by the French themselves. I should think, from what we saw of the French traffic, that Paris must be a fine place for committing suicide; the French drivers always seem to be in a hurry and one needs to think twice before crossing a road. Perhaps the most familiar sight in Paris is the myriad cafes that are everywhere, such a contrast to the drab English coffee shop; with their brightly-coloured outdoor tables under a sunshade decorated usually with beer adverts. The attraction of these with their pintables lured most of the members of our party in the evenings. Most of the Metro trains and the buses were very old-fashioned. I doubt if the Metro went at much more than 25 mph. The buses looked very ungainly with their huge engines sticking out at the front, and verandah-like platforms at the back, most of which was taken up by the gendarmes who travel free on the buses. In the shops nearly everything except wines and spirits was very expensive; butter for instance was about 7/6 per lb, whereas a bottle of wine was dirt cheap. It would be impossible to describe all the beautiful monuments in Paris, but in my personal opinion the Basilique du Sacre Coeur was the most impressive of them all. Many, like the Eglise de la Madeleine, were very dirty and unkempt. The Eiffel Tower gave us a beautiful view over Paris, though like many things it was expensive to visit. One of the most confusing things was the way in which members of the public services all wore practically the same uniform, whether they were postmen, soldiers, policemen or customs officials or any other service. How the French can tell the difference, let alone a foreigner, was quite beyond my understanding. During our stay we made several coach tours, including one to Chartres, a quaint old cathedral about fifty miles from Paris; and Versailles, which we found rather boring. The food was quite good though many of us did not savour the method with which the French cook a lot of their food in oil and add various other continental garnishes. Altogether we had a first-rate time. Although the weather could have been a little kinder, it was an experience that we will remember for a long time. The Week's Programme
FARNBOROUGH AIR SHOW This year's Farnborough Air Show was yet another step forward in British aviation. There were on show some of Britain's most up-to-date aircraft. The most exciting event was when Neville Duke in his Hawker Hunter broke through the sound barrier in a dive. There was the De Havilland 110 which tragically ended in disaster last year, and the Gloster Javelin which took off, circled the crowds and then landed. One of the most spectacular events was when four English Electric Canberras took off and went up in a steep climb through the clouds. The Handley Page Victor, which is one of Britain's fastest bombers, was on show; it is easily recognized by its crescent-shaped wings and tail plane. Its speed is estimated to be about 600 m.p.h. The Princess flying boat took off at the Solent and flew to Farnborough. It is a huge machine, its weight being about 140 tons. It is powered by ten engines and was built by the Saunders Roe Company. Mike Hawthorn, in a Vickers Supermarine Swift, tried to break the sound barrier on the straight, but even using after-burners he failed, because of the low clouds. The last of the jets were the Delta-winged type led by the Avro Vulcan and followed by the Avro 707A and 707C. At the beginning of the show there were side-shows, including an ejection seat on an iron frame. This was about fifty feet high. The person to be ejected sat securely in the seat and was strapped in. A cover was pulled over the person's face, thus setting off a charge which sent the seat rocketing up the frame. Burlington Arcade! What wonderful fancies that name conjures up in one's mind. Where you cannot carry a parcel nor an umbrella, nor wheel a pram, run, shout, or whistle. Even more strange is that a beadle, whose specific duty is to ensure that these rules are carried out, is never seen, as one would expect, strolling up and down the arcade. Instead he peers furtively out of the shop windows of the arcade to see that all is in order, then he may saunter up to the nearest shop, regard the window seemingly interested, then enter the shop and continue his vigil from there. All this I had heard or read about the famous London establishment. So one day, on learning of its whereabouts, I immediately decided to visit it. I took a train to Green Park station and turned sharp left. Then I continued walking past many interesting shops which dealt in a variety of unusual things. I was looking for an arch similar in size to Marble Arch. (How disillusioned I was to be!) Further on I stopped to examine a large clock which was suspended over the pavement. How surprised I was when I saw, a few yards in front of me, an arch about the size of a normal shop front, with a network of wrought iron on which was inscribed in gold capital letters: 'Burlington Arcade'. I had expected a much more spectacular frontage than this. I ascended a few steps, expecting an army of beadles to appear and examine me for parcels and all the other prohibited articles, but no ... I stood still, listening; it was quiet except for the drumming of high heels on the interior pavement of the arcade. The roof which runs the whole length of the arcade consists of more wrought iron and glass. As I walked slowly on I saw a beadle in a black serge with peaked cap and a row of ribbons on his chest peering out of the first shop in the arcade. I saw only three beadles during my visit. This was very much contrary to my expectations. The shops dealt mainly in jewellery' curios and china. They all had an air of excellent craftsmanship about them. Ivory paper knives, cigarette holders, collar studs and chessmen made in every country of the world: such are the 'objets d'art' that the shop windows held. The chess boards were an art lover's dream, inlaid with ivory and precious stones. One especially looked as though a bright blue light were shining from underneath it. Indeed they took my breath away. Another shop I shall never forget is one that had gigantic silver tureens and plates engraved with intricate floral designs. Yet another shop held my attention; it contained ivory carvings of birds, Buddhas, and in fact everything that one could imagine. One, a carving of a fisherman, particularly held my eye, for every strand of the net stood out from the rest of the carving. I found myself wishing that I could meet the man who carved it, if he was still alive; for I doubt very much whether such craftsmanship exists today. Then to end my visit I patronized the sole confectioner's establishment in the arcade: 'Le Chat d'Or Chocolats', where I bought several packets of most convincing milk chocolate cigarettes. Then I walked slowly out of the arcade looking at plates engraved with intricate floral designs. Then I walked slowly out of the arcade looking everything a second time. I returned to the station a different way, seeing even more interesting shops. But they were nothing to match those of Burlington Arcade or the milk chocolate cigarettes which I was eating. A. W. GREEN (IIIA) Great Yarmouth is situated twenty miles east of Norwich. Its name originates from the river on whose mouth it stands, the River Yare. The most prosperous business of Yarmouth is fishing, herring being the most common. The season starts at the beginning of October, when Scots fisher girls come all the way to Great Yarmouth, to work in the fish sheds, cleaning and gutting the fish, from which the famous Yarmouth bloaters and kippers are obtained. Great Yarmouth is also a favourite spot with holiday makers. Every year thousands crowd the fine sandy beaches and other attractions. The beaches stretch for miles from Newton to Sandy Oaks, a famous camping site. For those who prefer the more artificial type of entertainment there are fine bowling greens, putting greens, tennis courts, etc. and a boating pond at the north end where there are beautiful artificial Venetian waterways. For those whose minds dwell on sport, there is horse-racing, speedway, soccer, and many other activities and hobbies. So Yarmouth with its various aspects is ideal for winter or summer holidays for anyone. F. W. MOUGHTON (IVA)
I finally made up my mind to go and get it over, so I put on my hat and coat, went out and slowly started walking along the street. Some time later I stood on the doorstep of my destination. With my finger poised above the bell, I glanced again at the brass plate on which was engraved the single word of warning: 'Dentist'. I took a deep breath and pressed the bell. As I waited there I told myself that going to the dentist did not make me nervous, and that I despised those people who were so scared and would not believe that it didn't hurt; all the same I found myself hoping secretly that the dentist would be ill or away on holiday and that I would have to postpone my appointment. The dentist was neither ill nor on holiday, for after about a minute the door was opened by a man with a bald head and glasses, obviously the dentist's assistant, for he was in a short white jacket. 'Good lord, who was that?' I asked my guide. 'Him? Oh! just a man who came for an inspection.' A few minutes later, as I was waiting, a head appeared around the door and said 'Next please, sir' and disappeared again. I looked at the other occupant of the room; he appeared not to have heard, for he was intently studying a magazine about mining implements. The head appeared again. 'Next please', it said impatiently. The person opposite me huddled deeper into his chair. At this the head accompanied by a body walked into the room and I saw that the head belonged to a hefty youth hardly more than eighteen or nineteen. I shuddered. Surely this was not the dentist, the person to whose tender mercies I was entrusting myself. He strode towards me. I was staring at a text on the wall which said in large letters 'Love thy Neighbour as Thyself ', as if I had not noticed him. 'You next?' he asked. 'Well, er ... no . . .' I began, pointing at the person opposite. 'You are? Good! Come with me, please.' Meekly I followed him. As I went through the surgery doorway, I saw somebody else in the room; he was older than the youth who had brought me in and was obviously the dentist proper. He was examining some tool of his trade and when he saw me I could imagine him inwardly licking his lips with relish. He gave me what was supposed to be a welcoming smile, but what was in reality a horrible grin. He beckoned to me. 'Sit here, please', he said with a leer, pointing to the chair which was the centre piece of the room. I sat there, my temperature falling fast. 'Lean back and open your mouth.' Reluctantly I did so. 'Ah! I see the trouble.' Then I remembered the man who had rushed past me in the waiting room and wondered if he did see the trouble as he said. He began to probe around my mouth with a long tapering piece of metal while his assistant held me steady. Here I will stop, for if I tell you what happened to me in that modernized torture chamber you will never go near a dentist again in your life. T. J. DAVIES (V)
AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF A RUGGER BALL 1 was a nice rugger ball when first put on the centre spot. Every- body was looking at me and I thought myself very honoured, when all of a sudden I saw a great giant with a broken nose run towards me, raging mad. He came closer and closer and then whoosh! I went whistling through the air, only to be caught by another of these giants, and the same thing happened; I went up and up, thinking that I was going to heaven. I looked down nervously and saw more giants looking up at me. I came down and was caught again, but another giant started to fight my rescuer and I was hurled away again. My next, giant hugged me tight and I thought that he must have liked me for he seemed to be keeping me away from the others, who looked at me in rage. But soon someone tripped him up, and I went sprawling on the floor to be picked up by another crowd of giants who kicked and kicked and kicked. I must have passed out, for the next thing that I knew was that I was in a box with more of my own breed. Soon I saw someone walking towards me. It was one of those giants; he came straight towards me and picked me up. Oh! no! not again! V. J. GILBERT (V) At the moment there are many American families over here. They come with the soldiers and airmen for their two years' service. My home town is full of them. On every corner you can see little short- cropped boys and girls with lipstick and women's dresses on, playing at 'dressing up'. The male population there usually goes around dressed in brightly-coloured 'T' shirts and jeans; the women and girls with either coloured sweaters or jackets on top and jeans or slacks. Every family seems to run a car, and down the street one sees rows of 'left-hand drive, no signals' cars. In the morning at about seven o'clock the air is filled with a deep throated roar of cars starting up. The men are on their way to the base. If they haven't a car, they wait at all the corners for a lift. Inside a house you will find many strange things. The Americans must get quite a wage for they all have heavy rental bills; also they run expensive cars and have all the labour-saving gadgets for their wives. The women never seem to do any work, but sit around knitting and talking to friends over a glass of 'Coca-Cola' which appears to be the only thing that they drink. They never go outside, for 'hubby' brings most things home from the base. Only on Sunday do they go out for walks, along the cliffs with the children. The single men I can't say much for. On pay day they drink them-selves silly, then start fights. By the end of the week they have none of the month's pay left. But I expect that there are some good ones which I didn't notice. Some of them don't seem very practical either. I remember during the holidays going with my father to a house, taking with us all sorts of tools to mend a supposedly broken cistern. When we arrived we found that the water was only just on and that it was taking fifteen minutes to fill up. All that we had to do was to turn on the mains a little bit more. Another incident was when I heard an American woman talking to her landlady about her milk supply. She was stating how high her milk bill was, not because she could not afford it, but just for something to talk about. The landlady asked her how much she paid for her baby's pint of milk. She said seven pence. The landlady said that you only have to pay three halfpence for a baby's pint of milk. The American replied.. 'Oh, I'm rich, I can afford that'. Another funny thing that happened during my first week was when an airman, who came in on Wednesday at our paper shop and asked for the News of the World and People, was surprised when we told him that they were not daily papers. Anyway, we sold him the Sunday before's paper that we had left over. Still, among some of the families I have some good friends, and I find them excellent companions. R. M. J. CROUCHER (V) WITH MRS CHAPLIN again in the chair the 1953 Prize Giving took place on 25 July, before an audience of parents and visitors which taxed the capacity of the gymnasium to its limit. In his report, the Headmaster surveyed the development of the school in its second year. The day marked, in fact, the conclusion of the first stage in the school's life, for those boys who remained from the Nautical School had completed their courses and were about to leave, and the school was thenceforward to be a grammar school, pure and simple. After reporting on scholastic and athletic results, the Headmaster made mention of the expansion of out-of-school activities, in particular the trips to Derbyshire and to Paris. He went on to thank the Parents' Association for its great help in backing the Amenities Fund which made many of the activities possible. His final remarks dealt with the plans for the future of the school and with the taking over of Woolverstone House as a step in the right direction. The prizes were presented by Mr Duncan Carse, who afterwards gave a most interesting talk on his experiences as a sailor and explorer. CRICKET - 1953 This has been another eventful, if not a highly successful, season. The standard of batting has, on the whole, improved, and this is partly due to the fact that, to some degree, better use has been made of House nets. I feel, nevertheless, that still better use could be made of them. There are still too many boys who use the nets as 'slogging grounds' and not enough who use them to consolidate the coaching they receive during games periods. Fielding has been the brightest feature of all XIs. The standard of fielding has been as high as any we have met with in opposing teams. This fact is linked up inevitably with captaincy. All three captains have set a high, personal example in the field and have generally persuaded their respective teams to field alertly and intelligently. The Inter-House competition has been an exciting one and has brought out all that is best in competitive sport. Once again, Corner's and Hanson's fought it out for the distinction of being 'Cock House' and in the final match Corner's won by a narrow margin.
The Clerk of the Weather was kind to us this year and the Athletic Sports were run in a blaze of sunshine. This fact had some effect on the performance, for times were generally better than they were last year. When trying to assess the value of a good performance in a school meeting it is wise, and often sobering, to relate the performance to that required to receive National recognition. The best performance on Berners on Sports Day, for example, was the 100 yds run in 11 sees by Kuptz. The National Standard for the 100 yds at this age is 10.8 secs. Other good performances were the 220 yds won by Martin in 27.8 secs (N.S. 24.8 sees), the 80 yds Hurdles won by Lamb in 12 secs (N.S. 11 secs) and the 880 yds won by Gordon-Smith in 2 min. 33 sees (N.S. 2 min. 10 secs). Cold figures and facts, alone, fall far short of telling how a race has been run, in relation to a boy's previous ability, the strength of the opposition and so on, but I feel they are useful in giving the boy athlete a true assessment of his own ability. The Inter-House trophy was won by Hanson's House. They did well in taking first place in three of the four team competitions, i.e. Cross-Country, the two Relay races and the Tug-of-War. An interesting duel developed between Johnston's and Corner's Houses towards the end of the meeting for second place. Finally, Johnston's just got home by 11 points. I.G.E. Since the beginning of the summer term the Sailing Club has made great progress. Just in time for summer sailing the Parents' Association presented the club with a cup which was used as an award for inter-house racing. As the club had only two Cadet-class racing dinghies, a rota had to be worked out so as to enable all four Houses to race each other the same number of times before the end of term. When all the points had been added together for the term, Corners House was found to have turned out on top with the greatest amount of points, thereby gaining the honour of holding the cup for the first time. The club has two whalers, a sailing dinghy, a rowing dinghy, a motor launch, two Cadets, and also the loan of a National belonging to Mr Shuttleworth. Mr Robinson, the school shipwright, has done a very good job in repairing and maintaining the boats. He has built a Cadet from a kit and has the material to build another. Every member owes his gratitude to Mr Shuttleworth, the master in charge of the club, who has taught us all the arts of sailing and who has coached us all through the specified tests. Boys are not allowed to join the sailing club until they are thirteen years old. This winter fourth and fifth forms are not included in the club activities, but instead are taking senior crew and coxswain tests for next spring and summer sailing. It is our sincere hope that sailing will in future be one of the major sports of this school, and we also keenly look forward to competition with other schools and clubs. J. S. COOK
DRAMATICS 'The Man of Destiny' The success of the 1952 production of 'The Tempest', the natural beauty of the school's setting, and the physical difficulties involved in staging a play under cover with the school in its present stage of development, have all encouraged those concerned with dramatic productions at Woolverstone to regard an open-air stage as an integral part of the school plays. The handicaps of such an arrangement were made obvious in July. The play represented was 'The Man of Destiny' by George Bernard Shaw. A stage had been specially constructed with much labour for the performance. Terraced seating gave a good view to most of the audience. The weather was perfect, but for one thing - a breeze which so rustled the leaves of the trees and bushes that much of the performance was inaudible to a great part of the audience. It was a fault which on this occasion could not be avoided, but one which must be overcome in future, or the school plays will be a bore instead of an entertainment. To the actors themselves, only praise is due. I. McCulloch, although perhaps a trifle taller and fairer than one's conception of Napoleon, brought more maturity to the character than one would expect for his age. This, too, was true of A. Szepesy, as the Strange Woman. The playing of a woman's part by a boy is always a severe test; Szepesy passed this test in fine style, and his woman really lived. She appeared quite capable of the bluff and deception which she engineered, and was obviously too intelligent for the brash, bumptious Lieutenant, very ably played by T. Davies. R. Cox as the innkeeper tended to swallow most of his words, but was much appreciated by the audience. In conclusion, may it be said that the play was well costumed and the production was of the high standard which one now expects from Mr Bell. Both choice of play and acting were more adult than in 1952, representing a very great advance on the part of the School Dramatic Society. If this standard is maintained we can await further productions with keen anticipation. R.T.C. ART CLUB We have made a promising start on some murals for the Art Room this term, an activity which might well be extended to other parts of the school. Some Juniors have been quite active and successful in making models and the newly-acquired hut, which it is proposed to use mainly for clay-modelling, should provide ample opportunity for further enterprise in this direction. L.W. PRINTING CLUB A great deal of the printing required by the school is now carried out by the Printing Club. Last term we produced the invitations to Speech Day and also the Programmes, and at present are occupied with Christmas Cards in great number. The new room which we now have has made life easier for the printers, and we look forward to the acquisition of a larger press, with more elaborate forms of type, in the future. L.W. HOUSE NOTES JOHNSTON'S It is not easy, writing as we are, several months after the end of the school year, to think of adequate things to say of the events of 1952-3. There seems to have been a feeling of impermanence and change. At the beginning of a new year it is strange to realize how many boys have left the House in the last year - D. R. Brown, P. Rix, F. Lyons, P. Cockerell, A. Wilson, J. Ashworth, D. Fitzhardy, A. Brown, G. Piddington - to mention those who spring first to mind. However, it is good to know that so many of them have been helped towards careers of their choice. Brown and Rix are already on the high seas as Merchant Navy apprentice officers. Cockerell is to be an engineer apprentice with the Anglo-Petroleum Co., Wilson and Ashworth are about to enter the Royal Navy. Lyons very nearly obtained a Commission in the Fleet Air Arm and is now hoping to enter Dartmouth as a special entry candidate. He, together with Wilson, Cockerell and Ashworth all obtained very satisfactory passes in the General Certificate of Education. In games our record was by no means outstanding, except that the Junior Rugby XY showed signs that the day might come when we shall win the cup. Most boys in the House took an active part in school activities. Many aeroplanes were made which didn't fly. And so we go - with our ups and downs - towards the creation of a House. We seem to have a goodly number of eccentrics among us, but they add interest, and we wouldn't be without them for worlds. CORNER'S The past year is one which can be regarded as a real formative year in the House. It was the second year of existence, everyone knew one another, and during the year we found for ourselves our leaders, our captains, our energetic members, those prepared to do anything for their fellows, and also those who want everything done for them. Members of the House have been prominent in every side of school life. We have provided most of the captains of the school games teams, and also nearly all the members of the sides. We appear prominently in every form as academic prize winners. We have transformed a wilderness of concrete slab and tree-root into a garden in our 'spare' time. We have appeared as actors in school plays, and as the unseen mortals behind the stage who make a smooth production possible. We have given valiant battle on the field (and river) of sport in House competitions. The Rugger cup eluded us by the narrowest of margins this year - had not Boyce fraternized with a chicken-pox germ, his services would have helped us to win. It was certainly a great match. Our Junior Athletics team, particularly J. Clutterbuck, did so well on Sports Day that they gained twice as many points as any other Junior team. A word of farewell to Russell Reed who leaves us this term. He has been a jolly good Head Boy, carried out his duties conscientiously and efficiently. We wish him well in his career. HANSON'S The House may well congratulate itself on a year of very creditable achievement in many spheres of school life. In the main, this has been due to a considerable change for the better in the general attitude and outlook of most members of the House. Throughout the year there has been a steady and healthy growth of friendly co-operation and team spirit, which in turn has been an inspiration to all. On Speech Day, the House was very proud to see Begg, Davies and Lamb receive prizes for achievements in their academic work of the past year. Each is to be heartily congratulated on his success. This year, the House has achieved a most impressive games record in winning the Rugby, Cross-Country, and Athletics Championships in the Inter-House competitions. In Rugby, great credit goes to Lamb as captain and leader of the scrum. His example of keenness and fitness inspired everybody and had much to do with the team's success. Of the backs, Davies was the outstanding success as a scorer, and frequently produced some first-class place kicking. The winning of the Cross-Country Championship, in which practically every member of the House competed, showed keen enthusiasm and a fine team spirit. Begg, Lamb, George and Brown ran exceptionally well in the Senior Event, and Byrde is to be congratulated on a very fine performance in winning the Junior Event. On Sports Day, Davies, Lamb, Kuptz and Byrde again distinguished themselves. In cricket the House XI has enjoyed a very successful season, and has showed considerable all-round improvement in bowling, batting and fielding. Dayies, Byrde and Smith have given consistently good service as bowlers. A first-class knock of 39 by Lamb, and a splendid innings of 20 not out by Byrde were outstanding batting displays in the last two matches of the season. Both these two matches, which were against Corners, developed into spirited and exciting battles to decide the championship, which we lost by 10 runs. Outside the sphere of games, by far the most outstanding achievement was the building of the open-air theatre in the Lower Garden. This entailed very hard physical effort in moving many tons of earth and concrete blocks in the very short time in which the task had to be completed before school play rehearsals could commence. The House may well be proud of this fine effort. The job is by no means perfect, as was only too apparent to all during the full performance of the school play on Speech Day. Much remains to be done still, but that the job was worthwhile should be beyond doubt to everyone. It is within the power of us all to try to do worthwhile things, not only here, but wherever and whenever we can. All members of the House join in extending to Mr I. G. Evans, hearty congratulations on his appointment as Housemaster of Halls' House, and offer best wishes and sincere thanks to him for his most loyal and invaluable services to the House in the past two years. HALLS' The second year of existence of Halls' House is over, and in more than one way it marks the end of the beginning. This last term, for instance, we said farewell to Robjohns, our one remaining senior. The House is justly proud that he ended his career here as Head Boy of the School. We wish him every success in life and hope that Woolverstone will still see him often. On the games field our performance has again been only moderate. Nevertheless, there are many signs of improvement and many boys have tried hard. Academically, however, as the Speech Day prize list suggests, our record bears comparison with any of our rivals. Another heartening feature has been the willingness shown by boys to help the House. During the past term, periodicals and newspapers have been bought for the Common Room on a communal basis. Much hard work has been put in on preparing a plot of ground for planting a shrubbery this term. The second form have maintained very creditably the small garden they planted round their dormitory at Easter, and even embellished it by starting to turf a small plot round it. The House Matron and myself have been extremely gratified by the great improvement in the state of dormitories during the past term. In this connection I am pleased to see that one or two of the third formers have shown increasing willingness - and ability - to accept responsibility. Lastly, Mrs Halls and myself wish to thank you for the many kindnesses and not inconsiderable friendship that you have given us during my two years as Housemaster. We carry many happy memories to Oxford with us - not least, the final tea party at the end of term. We hope to see you all again. Meanwhile, 'God give you good adventure'.