Janus, Vol.1 No.2 - Autumn 1952
Editorial THE EDITORS feel a certain achievement in presenting the second number of "JANUS", although they are conscious of its shortcomings and particularly regret that owing to expense it has proved impossible to include any photographs this time. The articles and poems are the best that were submitted: if you think they are not good enough, it is up to you to write better ones in future. It is certain at least that whatever we send to the printers, JANUS will look well on its appearance. Those who had the privilege of being shown round Cowell's printing works in July will understand some of the processes by which this final appearance is obtained. This number will be published at the beginning of the second year in the life of Woolverstone Hall. The editors hope it will show the new arrivals something of our ways and spur on those who are not new to make the second year in all ways an advance on the first. Headmaster's Notes THE OUTSTANDING EVENT of last term was the Open Day on the 26 July 1952. I hope all the members of the school were as proud of that day as I was, and the various things on show, and the whole atmosphere of the school certainly showed that during its first year's existence it has made considerable progress. The production of the first school play was another milestone for the school and the boys who took part certainly set a high standard for future boys to improve on. I felt that on that day the school was beginning to mature and it was a high note on which to end this school year. This is no time, however, for complacency. The boys will know just what has gone wrong this year and just what things they have to put right and those ways in which they have to improve. Many of the weaknesses of the school have their outward sign in trivial things which are extremely irritating to the staff and the boys alike. These have got to be put right before we can he really proud of our community. The boys are extremely fortunate in the staff who are here to teach and look after them and I hope that as time goes on the boys will learn the many ways in which they can make everybody's tasks so much easier. One of the things on which a school builds its reputation is in its service to others by its pupils and its old boys and this service should quite rightly start inside the school. When I see a conscious effort being made in this direction, I shall feel very much happier about the future. We can sum up our first year by saying that in many directions we have made good progress and have done much to give the school the sort of reputation we think it should have. During the next year let us strive to make big improvements where we know they are necessary and at the same time increase our reputation wherever possible. Tradition: Belief, habit, practice, principle handed down verbally from one generation to another, or acquired by each successive generation from the example of that preceding it, e.g. the great English tradition, to keep up the family traditions; it is a misfortune to inherit no traditions. (UNIVERSAL ENGLISH DICTIONARY) IN A RECENT ARTICLE in the weekly magazine The New Yorker, an American lady describes a visit she paid with a friend to the Fourth of June celebrations at Eton College. She and her friend asked various old Etonians why the special costumes were worn in the Procession of Boats. Nobody was able to explain the custom. "I must say you old boys don't know much about your own school," Julia said somewhat irritably. "Didn't anyone of you ask about it when you first arrived as new boys?" A man with a large red moustache said: "Well, one didn't you know. It's just that they've always done it." Later in the day the Americans tried to find out why after the fireworks had ended the celebrations, several boys climbed a certain lamp-post. One of the Eton masters told them: "They always climb the post," he said. "It's called The Burning Bush." "You never know how things start," concluded the American. "My baby starts tradition every day. If she swings in the swing one afternoon, she wants to swing the following day at the same time and again the day after that." I am told that on one occasion a certain American private school headmaster announced: "From next Thursday it will be a tradition in this school that boys do not walk on the grass in Big School Quadrangle." This introduction is merely to suggest that possibly on 23 May this year the foundations of a tradition were laid here at Woolverstone. The tradition that on that day each year boys and masters from Upper Latymer School in London will visit us here at Woolverstone, that a cricket match will be played, and that a visit will be paid to the little old church at Freston to attend a service in memory of Edward Latymer who founded Latymer Upper School and who married the last of the Woolverstone family more than three hundred years ago. Shortly after Woolverstone opened in September 1951, one of the first letters of congratulation received by our Headmaster was from Mr Wilkinson, Headmaster of Latymer Upper School. He sent also as a gift to our Library a copy of a book on Edward Latymer and it was there that we found our school crest - an adaptation of the arms of the Woolverstone family. The party from Latymer which visited us on Friday, 23 May, consisted of the Choir and the Junior School Cricket XI, together with some of the masters and members of the Governing Body. The main purpose was to unveil a small tracery window containing the crest of the Latymer family in St Peter's Church, Freston. Such a window had been there for hundreds of years, but it had been broken before the year 1831, and had recently been repaired by the Latymer School Governors. The Latymer Cricket XI played a match against a Woolverstone Junior XI, a match which we lost, though not dishonourably, for though we had lost our first three wickets for one run, a Latymer reporter credited us with "a remarkable recovery". After the match there was tea in.the school dining-hall for the boys of Latymer, while the Governors of the two schools, the Lord Bishop of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich and Mrs Brook and masters of the two schools were entertained to tea by the Headmaster and Mrs Smitherman. The Dedication Service in St Peter's Church, Freston, was attended by the Latymer party and by representatives from the Freston Parish Council, Ipswich School and Woolverstone Hall. The Rector of Freston, the Rev F. W. Lambert, opened the service, the Latymer Chaplain officiated and the Headmaster of Latymer gave a short address. The memorial window was unveiled by Mr H. H. H. G. Bennett, Chairman of the Latymer Board of Governors, and the Lord Bishop made an act of Dedication. One looks back and remembers the good day with warm feelings - friendly visitors, cricket played in the best tradition of the game, the beautiful old church, the lovely singing, a moving address, and an inspiring act of dedication. Perhaps it will happen again next year and the year after, and the year after that. Perhaps new little customs will be added. We hope so. "A baby starts traditions every day." In and out of school CAMPING IN SNOWDONIAAT 6.45 A.M. on Thursday, 10 April, the school launched its first camping project, when a small party of seniors established camp at Owern Gof Isaf Farm, in the Nant Ffrancon Pass in North Wales. After pitching tents, the tired and hungry group who had travelled overnight from Euston to Bangor were revived with their first camp meal of porridge, bacon and eggs and were soon eager to sample some hill walking. A route to Llyn Ogwen was planned to include Little Tryfan - a sharp outcrop of rock in peak form and a replica of the parent mountain Tryfan. To their great delight, the boys found two climbers traversing the Girdle Route, about 150 ft. up. This provided an excellent lesson in delicate rock climbing, demonstrating correct echnique on small footholds, pressure handholds, spike and shoulder belays, running belays, and numerous other points in the art of rock climbing. This expedition to North Wales was regarded primarily as a means of providing training in the use of lightweight camping equipment, and offering opportunities of gaining some experience in hill walking and elementary rock climbing. The Welsh weather proved true to form and provided the full range from hot tranquil periods of glorious sunshine to lurid grey days of torrential rain and high winds. After a sound camp routine, which covered the care of tents, bedding, Primus stoves and camp cooking, in four small groups, had been established and tested under these trying weather conditions, the interests of the party centred on rock climbing. Some experience in hill walking had already been gained on good walks to Cwm Idwal, to the Heather Terrace on the east face of Tryfan via the Miner's Track from Llyn Bochlwyd, and on the southern slopes of Carnedd Dafydd on Easter Sunday, when swiftly descending clouds necessitated some compass work which produced surprising results. With this and some practice in the fundamental principles of climbing technique on some rocks near the farm as basic training, it was decided to climb Tryfan. Thus on Easter Monday after an early breakfast, the party left camp in brilliant sunshine for the long trek along the Heather Terrace to the start of the Gashed Crag route. After six of the party, in two groups of three, roped up and had cleared the first pitch of this popular climb, the others proceeded along the Heather Terrace, round the Far South Peak for some good scrambling to the summit. By the time the second group had cleared the last pitch of the six hundred feet of crags of ancient volcanic lava, rain was falling heavily, and the mountain completely shrouded in dense cloud. It blotted out the fine view of the gigantic amphitheatre of Cwm Idwal, the hanging valley of Bochlwyd, Cwm Tryfan, and all the distinctive characteristics of glacial terrain that can be observed from the top of those two landmarks-the twin ten-foot perpendicular blocks known as Adam and Eve. The morning to break camp arrived all too soon. The North Wales camp had afforded opportunities of meeting new people, speaking a new tongue in new scenes, doing new things in new ways, discovering for oneself a new way of living and travelling cheaply, not only in this country but wherever one may wish, and above all the opportunity of enjoying more fresh air than perhaps all the other sports and pastimes put together. If the success of the project were to be measured by the number and variety of these experiences, then it would undoubtedly be considered worth while. During the summer term the first form has been visiting various places in Ipswich. One of the most interesting trips was the docks. We went along by the large quays. In dock were an American merchant ship, a Danish merchant ship, and a large craft from Perth in Australia. On board the Danish ship was a large cargo of timber. The Australian ship was transporting wool. And the American ship had to take quite a number of Ransome and Rapier cranes to America. A few weeks ago my form was divided into two groups. One group went with Mr Cobb to the cattle market and the other went to the railway station with the Headmaster. The people who went to the station had a lot of fun. They went into the signal box. The signalman let them change some of the tines. He was able to see where, by an electric indicator board. Then they had a ride on an engine. The other party with Mr Cobb went first of all to the auction room. In there were a lot of farmers, and the auctioneer was auctioning some cattle. He talked so quickly that most of us couldn't keep pace with him. Last week we went to Ransomes and Rapier's. This is a firm which produces agricultural machinery. In one of the storerooms there was a large model of all the different types of water gates or dams. This model was worked by electricity. We saw a crane with a magnet on it. The magnet was capable of lifting five tons of iron from one place to another. A. BROWN - (With acknowledgements to the Editors of 'The Phoenix')
In the summer term we had part of the school ground ploughed and we made this ground into a large garden. We got more produce than we expected but this was sold very cheaply to the staff families. We planted three hundredweight of potatoes and got back at least fifteen. The lettuces were also a great success and the amount of beans we acquired was astonishing. The beans that were small one day were large the next! Some of the boys had their own plots and these were used for other goods such as beetroot, peas, carrots, and also some beans. Mr Hanson also started a flower garden where there are lupins and hollyhocks, and one boy grew some lovely sweet peas. B. R. HOLLAND (IIB)
In our school ground and in all of Woolverstone Park are many beautiful and colourful birds. And although many of you know a lot of the fairly common birds, there are some which you and I do not know that are of rare species. Most of you have seen a blackbird's or thrush's nest with eggs and so you know what they are like. These two birds seem to build their nests in any old place and I should think it is mostly their eggs which are taken, as their nest is the easiest to find. You have all seen the swallows around the school and a lot of you know where some of their nests are. You can distinguish a swallow's nest from a house-martin's, because a house-martin nearly always builds on the outside of a wall with a small ledge overlapping for shelter. It builds its nest right up to the top of this ledge leaving only a small hole near the top as an entrance and exit. Its nest is mostly built of mud woven with straw and before the eggs are laid the inside of the nest is covered with feathers and straw which hold the heat to keep the eggs warm. The swallow's is mostly made of straw held together with mud. It has an open top on its nest and it lays five or six eggs, white, spotted with red-brown. As many of you know, the bramble or blackberry bush is the home of many birds, and the prickles protect them from numerous enemies. The blackcap is very fond of the bramble; so also are the hedge accentor, the white-throat, greenfinch and linnet. The linnet is a great lover of the furze bush for a nesting place. Let us take a look at one in the nesting season. We will tap gently on the bush. Yes, we have startled a bird of some kind, And, here is the nest. It is rather difficult to get at because the bush is prickly, the branches being splendidly armed against intruders. No wonder the linnet feels so secure. The nest consists of grass, with a lining of hair. There are usually five eggs; they are bluish white and upon them are light reddish-brown spots. Very often one may find eggs of this kind which are not spotted at all. People frequently call this bird the brown linnet to distinguish it from the greenfinch which they call the green linnet. C. P. RING (IIA)
A TRIP TO CHAFFORD SCHOOL BY BOAT On 5 July, a clear windy day, the Ist XI went in the pinnace to Harwich to play Chafford School at cricket. The pinnace, a relic of the Old School, is a small motor cabin boat. The crew consisted of Mr Matthews, Mr Chippy Robinson, Morgan, Hopkins, Murphy, Froud and Matania. With Chippy at the engine and Froud at the wheel we got under way and steered a course for Harwich. The waves were fairly high out in the estuary and quite often big showers of spray would come over the bows and drench the boys for'ard. We did not pass any big ships on the way except for a tug just off Pin Mill, although we passed many yachts coming back from the cancelled Regatta. We saw Mr Shuttleworth, Matron and a few boys coming back in the Blue Dolphin and Mogford and Cahill in a small red boat with one of the yachtsmen from the Hard. We arrived at Harwich at about half-past one and disembarked from the pinnace at some steps near the ferry pier. While the pinnace was being moved farther up we waited for the Home team's bus to arrive. We waited just by where the Trinity House vessel Patricia was moored; this is the ship that took the Duke of Edinburgh to Helsinki. We were taken to Chafford in two taxis. Chafford School is situated just outside Harwich and is a very fine school. The match was won by Chafford, the scores being Chafford - 177 for 7 dec. Woolverstone - 134 total On the journey back we took Mrs Hanson and her two children with us. The trip this time was more peaceful as the wind had abated a little. Going back we had Hopkins at the wheel and Matania tended the engine for a while. We arrived back a little wet and tired but pleased with our trip. R. M .J. CROUCHER (IIA)
JOHN CONSTABLE was born in 1776, at East Bergholt, on the Lower Stour, about eight miles from Woolverstone. His favourite haunts in his younger days were around this area, also some of his greatest paintings were painted there, such as 'Willy Lot's House' at Flatford Mill. His first sketching lesson was given to him by a plumber and glazier of Dedham, the village where he went to school. Constable's genius was found in these places on the river. The things appealing to him were the traffic, barges and small boats, the high farmed banks, the weirs and locks, the beautiful old villages with their superb churches and breezy skies; these scenes which he painted created a remarkable impression in the art circles of his time. Constable should be remembered by everyone as one of England's most gifted regional artists, as he developed, educated and matured his paintings out of a few inches of his native country. Later, he painted scenes, some of his best, outside this chosen valley, but his originality came from a few miles of his homeland. The heyday of Constable's art lasted twenty-eight years - 1799 -1827. In these paintings the heart of the scene was the river. The water is seen as true water, brisk and dancing, catching and reflecting light. Men, boys, women, children, dogs and horses are seen in this his landscapes, but he liked painting the old timber props, water plants, willow stumps, sedges and old nets. He painted these things as he heard the water escaping from the mill dams, he loved this sound and it gave him inspiration. Constable painted the Stour Mills, not because he lived among them, but because he saw as a boy they were the backbone of the community, they bound the community together by the toughest of bonds. V. J. GILBERT (IIA) Sea Birds SEA BIRDs are really land birds which have taken to the sea for a living. They have webbed feet and mouths suitable for eating small sea creatures. When they first decided to hunt by the sea, they could only search the beach for food cast up by the tide. Soon they went out into the shallows and gradually the skin between their claws expanded and gave them webbed feet, which enabled them to swim easily. Then they could safely venture into the open sea, where they might catch small fish, and other minute sea creatures. No doubt their voices changed because of their new surroundings. Some sea fowls are domesticated, such as the duck and goose, but the gull is the most common sea bird. Gulls are extremely faithful to their young, and many mothers have been found dead over their nests after rough weather. Storms are one of their greatest dangers and they often come far inland during rough or cold weather. There are various other sea birds around our coasts, many of them extremely rare. They live on small rocky islands like the ones to the north-west of Scotland where they are unlikely to be disturbed by human beings. In recent years, many sea birds have been killed by oil in the sea, the result of ships discharging it from their tanks. This oil is waste and therefore very heavy and dirty. It is making many beaches filthy and makes it impossible for birds to eat food from the beach. Most of all it collects on their feathers making it impossible for them to fly. It is to be hoped this will soon stop so that all our sea birds can live without hindrance and continue to brighten our coasts with their many voices. H. D. CLARK (IA)
IN THE LONG DARK HALL of Mulsbury Manor, all is silent for a while, then another peal of thunder came and lightning lit up the dark hall. On the floor was a dead woman just covered by a white sheet. The light showed her up most of all. She was cold and still. There was no noise other than the thunder. Then suddenly from the darkness came a voice from one end of the room. 'Do you or do you not know this dead woman?' 'No', came the reply from the opposite end of the room. The peals of thunder came more frequently and loudly now. A cold chill passed through the room. Through the darkness the accused man thought he saw the hand of the woman move, but he made no signs of fear. Apparently he wasn't the only one who thought he saw the movement, but nobody took any notice. The judge or officer who was with these other people said, 'Do you recognize this ivory dagger?' holding it up. 'No', came the answer from the accused. 'This man will say no to any question you ask', said one of the policemen by his side. 'Twenty people are supposed to have seen this dagger hanging on the wall of your study.' The accused man replied, 'I have never seen this dagger before.' The judge said, 'Twenty people are not all mad or blind.' 'I tell you I have never seen it before', said the accused man. 'Then look at the body. Can you tell me anything about the fingerprints ?' 'No, I can't tell you anything about them.' In the dull light the prints looked a purplish colour. Then again came the voice, 'Show us your hands.' The accused man hesitated for a moment then brought them from behind his back where they had been clenched all this time. They were stained with nicotine from smoking. His fingers were long and well kept, apart from the stains. 'Well,' said the judge, his voice growing louder and seeming to quiver, 'do the murderer's actions that were committed on the woman.' He paused and then knelt by her side. He put his hands loosely round her throat. At once the muscles in the throat tensed and the face seemed to change into a smile with the mouth wide open. A green slime came to the top and trickled down one side of the face. All stood back. It was a horrible sight. The accused picked up the ivory dagger which was stained with blood and pierced it into her breast. All at once there came from the throat a buzzing like a swarm of bees. Then a huge fly something like a giant bluebottle flew from her mouth. The kneeling man jumped up and the fly flew straight at him. Again and again it flew at him, no matter how he beat it off. At last he screamed, 'I killed her! I killed her. Kill this fly.' When the fly was dead the lightning lit up the room once again. On the floor was not a fly but a huge bat with fangs projecting from its mouth. All was dark again. On the floor lay the dead accused man with two marks in his throat. The dead woman was gone and so was the bat. From that day onwards nothing, no person or thing has lived in that house. J. KELLER (IB)
'THE RISE AND FALL OF CALIBAN', being an entertainment from 'The Tempest' by William Shakespeare, was the title of the first dramatic performance ever staged by the School. In an idyllic natural setting, with the Orwell gleaming in the soft sunlight of early evening, the play provided an appropriate culmination to the School's first Open Day, held in July a few days before the end of term. An appreciative audience of boys, governors, parents and Press sensed the uniqueness of the occasion. Nor was the audience disappointed. Polished acting, surprising in so young a troupe of players, was the keynote of the production. First and foremost was the performance of McCulloch in the role of Prospero, which he interpreted with a gravity and a dignity beyond his years, and with a complete lack of self-consciousness. Study and magic, and a fitting - but merciful - revenge on those who had deprived him of his dukedom and sent him to a dreary exile on a forsaken island: these were Prospero's occupations. In these pursuits he was aided by Ariel, played by Workman, whose acting had just the right mixture of etherealness and fantasy. T. Davies, as Caliban, 'a savage and deformed slave', alternated with joyous heartiness between muttering revolt and cringing submission to his magical master. Hopkins, as Ferdinand, Prince of Naples, one of those cast shipwrecked on the island, wooed Miranda, Prospero's daughter, with a just measure of charm doubled with timidity. As Miranda, M. Haynes, acting the only female character in the play, deserves special mention for his gallant effort. The frequent appearances of the purely comic characters, also shipwrecked on the island, were the occasion of much merriment. Ashworth, as Stephano, the winebibbing, drunken butler, acted as a sparkling foil to Lampon, who played Trinculo, the Court jester, as to the manner born. Lampon's interpretation of the role, although unorthodox, aroused much laughter and merits high praise. Nor, for comic effect, must Moughton, Ring, and M. Brown, 'other spirits in the shape of hounds', be forgotten. And so, the revels ended, the plot was finally resolved. Lamb, as boatswain, announced to the assembled company that the ship-wrecked still had their ship. Prospero recovered his dukedom, and Ariel his coveted liberty; Caliban slunk back into the obscurity that engendered him; and in this Shakespearean fairy tale, Ferdinand and Miranda lived happily ever after. That many hands had contrived to produce such an entertaining production is evident. They are too numerous to set out here all by name. But special mention must be made of the School Choir, under Mr Woolford, for their singing of 'Full Fathom Five'. Particular gratitude must also be expressed to Mrs Smitherman and Matron, who, by a harmonious blend of colour and design, created for the cast costumes that were memorable. Lastly, but chiefly, for his was the guiding hand behind the whole production and his were the long and exacting hours of rehearsal, our greatest thanks must go to Mr Bell, who in three terms has created an enthusiastic company of actors. Under his leadership it is obvious that 'Caliban' is only the forerunner of many other equally successful productions by the School Dramatic Club. W.D.H.
![]() Activity Reports Anyone who likes playing cricket must, surely, have spent a happy summer term. Each boy has had two set cricket afternoons each week, there has been an interesting inter-House competition and four school XI's have between them played thirty-five matches. In addition the nets have always been available and, now that the novelty has worn off and masters have other things to think about, boys can get within range of the new 'slip fielder'. In terms of winning matches, it has not been a highly successful season, but as yet we are a small school and we must surely grow in prowess as well as in numbers. The most gratifying feature of the term has been the genuine desire to learn and improve shown by most members of the teams. If a boy asks to be coached he is approaching the game in the right attitude of mind and cannot help becoming a better cricketer. If this spirit prevails, we have a bright cricket future to look forward to. The standard of senior cricket has not been high. In fact at the beginning of the season it was appallingly low: not only was there little technical skill, but neither were there any signs of the right sort of temperament for the game. In the first match, against a Woodbridge School XI, the team was all out (largely 'scared out' by a medium-fast bowler) for 17 runs (9 of which were extras); to which the visitors replied with 114 for 5. Since then, technique and, to a certain degree, spirit have improved; and there have been glimpses of something resembling cricket. In fact the last five matches were won, and there have been some honourable defeats, and nothing approaching the ignominy of that first game. Almost everyone in the XI has at one time or another played what might be called a 'valuable' innings either in terms of runs or in time at the wicket; and Churchouse, Benavente, Cahill, Rix, Robjohns and Banfield have all had their successes in attack. D. R. Brown has captained the team on the field, and regular members of the side in addition to him and the bowlers already mentioned have been: Wood, Mogford, Ashworth, Hoyle, while Hopkins, Gillard, Gilbert, Davies, Harding, McCulloch and Froud have also played on one or more occasions. Matches have been played against Woodbridge School, Royal Hospital School, Holbrook, St Joseph's College, Old Ipswichians 2nd XI, Grenville Division and Hawke Division of H.M.S. Ganges, Chafford School, the Staff, and lastly the Fathers. L. J.
The age group included a large number who are keen on playing and even practising cricket - and enjoying the game is, after all, the main thing - but few talented cricketers. And something of the temperament for winning matches was lacking. So the result was quite simply that none were won. There were some good games, nevertheless, and some spirited performances by individuals. As captain Gilbert worked hard and kept his team together, but the captain of a cricket team must be a wily person and in this respect he has much to learn. However, he showed the right spirit and a grasp of the game and will learn the rest in time. As a wicket-keeper he has promise. T. Davies, the vice-captain, proved himself a hard-hitting batsman and a useful bowler, though he was unlucky in the latter capacity. McCulloch, Workman, Scarbrow and Nicholson all played their part usefully at times, and there were others who completed the team. I. R. B.
Played 6 - Won 3 - Drawn 1 - Lost 2 In the short space of one term, the under thirteen XI has changed from eleven individuals to a single team. At the beginning of the season one or two members of the team thought more of personal performance than of team achievement. It is interesting to note that it was during this period that the team lost one of its matches and drew another. However, when the team spirit developed and loyalty to the captain took the place of personal considerations, the team won three of its remaining four matches. Perhaps the best achievement of the term was the double victory over Northgate Grammar School. The happiest features were the two splendid matches with St Edmunds School. St Edmunds beat us on both occasions, but the matches were played in the very best spirit of sportsmanship. It was good to see Woolverstone fighting back, in the second match, after the whole side had been put out for 25. With a fine spell of bowling, Byrde finished with an analysis of 4-11 and A. Davies with an analysis of 3-11. St Edmunds were all out for 35. The bowling has gradually improved. At first all our bowlers tended to bowl faster than their natural speed, but this has gradually given way to a seeking for the good length. A. Davies has succeeded best in this direction. Byrde and Bradley have not yet fully learned the lesson. The batting has been adequate and is improving. Two innings stand out, a good 22 by Munro at Northgate and a grand knock of 49 by Bradley against Royal Hospital School, Holbrook. I. G. E.
Our school has made a healthy start in the field of athletics. It has not been spectacular, but we must be patient, and as the school grows older, so we will see our standards rise, for we have here facilities for athletics second to none. I.G.E.
At the beginning of the summer term an Archery Club was formed which became known to many in the school as 'The Cupid's Club'. Meetings take place on Orwell Side on Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays, and occasionally at week-ends. An average of twenty to twenty-five boys attend these meetings, all very eager to become accomplished at this sport. The majority of these boys have never used a bow but with some coaching and practice they now shoot at a standard size target of 4-ft. diameter at 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 yards range. A few weeks before the school's 'Open Day', a number of boys asked if they might put on a display for the parents. This, we decided to do and finally the following boys were chosen to take part in the contest. 'A' Team 'B' Team The contest arranged was two Junior Columbia Rounds, each round consisting of twenty-four arrows at 40, 30 and 20 yards range. A word of praise to Bicknell who has saved many boys from getting bruised arms by making arm guards, to Harrington who has repaired our bow strings and to Mr Hanson for repairing our arrows. I hope this very old English sport will continue to be one of the favourite pastimes of the boys here at Woolverstone. B. A. L.
Because of the youth of our twenty members and their urban background, we have restricted ourselves this year to studying the basic principles of farming, without delving into finer points. We have paid visits to various types of farms, have learnt to identify breeds of animals and growing crops, and have been shown the functions and workings of the main farm implements. A few boys spent a day helping on one of the farms, but unfortunately this activity was curtailed during the foot-and-mouth epidemic. As for farming on our own account - most members ploughed a furrow at a ploughing demonstration. We have begun to study the secrets of successful pig-keeping, and we have at last gained some livestock of our own in our beehive. This has proved a most popular activity - probably because of the spice of danger involved in every manipulation - and some boys show signs of becoming first-class bee-keepers. And finally, all members really saw the complexity and importance of modern agriculture at the Suffolk Show - a new and enthralling experience for most of us. It is hoped that in the future we shall be able to do more practical farming, be it keeping livestock or helping on farms, but at present we are fully occupied with laying that basis of knowledge without which we cannot really call ourselves young farmers. R. C.
![]() House notes A report on the activities of any House in the summer term to an outsider usually reads like an excerpt from the 'Crazy Gang'. So many things have taken place in a short time that it is to be wondered if there was ever time to eat, sleep, or do serious school work. Much has been undertaken by this House; with few exceptions our activities have been communal. That most pleasing side of school life, of really living together, is certainly much in evidence now. We have added to our successes on the field that of Champion House at Cricket. All praise to McCulloch for turning out a team immaculate in dress, and unbeaten at the game. Well done everybody! School Sports day added to the reputation of Workman, Boyce, Davies and McCulloch in the Juniors and Benavente in the Seniors. They pulled their weight like heroes and earned valuable points. In the multifarious activities of the school this House appears in most spheres. The tennis courts, archery butts, photography dark room and open-air stage are where most people gather. McCulloch and Workman are to be complimented on their interest in the drama, and N. Gould on his administrative assistance to school plays. Morgan deserves mention for his ingenious hobby - he is an expert at repairing cycles. Harrington is a keen yachtsman and has been so bold as to sleep on board during one weekend. In the more quiet cultural sphere Nawrot and Harrington have done well at music - even to passing external examinations. All these instructive pastimes are most pleasing to see. I only hope that more little boys will follow suit and learn better ways of filling in time than 'Funfsteinen' or 'Follow my leader through the ferns'. This term has been notable in many respects, but particularly in the growth of the spirit of co-operation within the House. This spirit has been especially shown in cricket and athletics, and augurs well for the future. As a House we are, I feel, beginning to work together. Our hopes for a complete recovery go to Michael Leigh, still in a London hospital after a whole term's absence. He was very grateful for our gift of sweets and chocolates. As always at this time of the year, we have to say goodbye to a few of our number. To those returning to London schools we give our best wishes. To Robjohns, our sole House monitor, and who has been acting Head of the House for two terms, we say a special farewell and wish him bon voyage as he enters the Royal Navy. A similar wish goes to Churchouse, who has been a pillar of strength in school cricket this summer. The stress this term has been on open-air activities. In inter-House cricket success has not come our way, but on Sports Day our juniors acquitted themselves nobly, finishing second in the House Championship. Of the seniors, Robjohns was among those selected to represent the School at the area sports. Three of our five Seniors have played cricket for the school first eleven. A special word of praise goes to M. Haynes, who played a difficult role in the scenes from 'The Tempest'. And so our first year ends on a note of achievement. Much has been accomplished, much remains to be done. This autumn term should see us progress at a quickened pace. W. D. HALLS July, with its long days of sunshine, brings another term and our first school year to its close. New lessons have been learned, new friendships made, new experiences gained. Warm days with blue skies and refreshing breezes have given us a welcome change from the hard wintry days of last term, and have encouraged us to pursue out-door activities to the full. Archery, sailing, tennis, and even cricket have been new activities for some boys. So at the end of this term, we are all the richer for these new experiences. In cricket, the House XI showed much promise earlier in the season, but its successes have not been numerous. If only the effort and team spirit which was evident in the last match had been forthcoming earlier. The House has been represented in the School XI by J. Mogford, Cahill, Gillard and D. R. Wood, and in the Junior XI's by T. Dayies, George, Lamb, Moughton, Byrde, Dawson and Smith. In athletics the House has enjoyed a particularly successful year. Following the excellent performance of the junior team in gaining the Cross Country Championship last term, the winning of the Junior Trophy on Sports Day was the reward of considerable hard work, in the short time available for training. The boys who did most for the House either by dint of natural ability or sheer determination were Davies, who distinguished himself by having two first places, Begg who ran a courageous 880 yards, and Byrde who obtained a first place in the long jump in his first year in the School. Of the Seniors, A. Lewis and J. Mogford were outstanding in that they showed sustained interest and determination throughout the athletic season. Mogford represented the area at the County Sports. They both represented the school at H.M.S. Ganges and at our school sports they gained one first and three second places respectively. Gillard did well to win two field events and gain third place in the 100 yards. Congratulations to Murphy on passing the educational and aptitude tests and being accepted as an artificer apprentice in the Royal Navy. Earlier in the term, Preston left for H.M.S. Ganges, where he has already won boxing honours for Collingwood Division. A. Lewis begins his career in the Merchant Navy Service early in September, and all members of the House join in wishing him, and all others who are leaving, success and happiness in their future careers. It has been a term largely of out-door activities. It is difficult to see any especial growth of House spirit or unity, perhaps mainly because of that very fact. We have run our races, played our cricket, ridden our bicycles, experimented with the bow and the racket. Some people have done some work, others have not. There have been some interesting chats in at least one of the dormitories, which made one think that perhaps a few members of the House were beginning to catch a glimpse of the sort of school we might make here. There have been disappointments. In the Athletic Sports we did as well as we expected to do. In the senior section we made it possible for Corner's to be in the winning team; in the junior events we did not shine. In our first House Cricket Match (against Corner's) we scored 10 runs (including 8 extras) and were soundly beaten. Later in the season, perhaps as the result of some fairly serious practice, we were able to beat both Hanson's and Halls' (and a certain Housemaster, who shall be nameless, was heard muttering to himself: 'Lucky we played Johnston's when we did!') Boutall left us during the term, headed for East Africa via France. Paradine, Cockerell, Lampon and Ashworth passed the written part of the R.N. Artificer Apprentice Examination. D. R. Brown, Ferrier, Lyons and Banfield all took various papers in the General Certificate of Education Examination. A number of boys will be leaving the House this term: Paradine, Ashworth, Lampon, Wilson, will all probably enter the Royal Navy; Banfield and Ferrier entering the Merchant Navy will join their ships in August. The past three terms have at least given us the chance to get to know one another. To those who are leaving we wish good luck and God-speed. Those returning have the chance to come back to help create a healthy and active House based on honour and self-respect. By becoming such a House we can help build a fine school. |