WHS Bedmaking - Facebook Contributors

Mark Frost - Hansons 71-77: “Remember this? Does anyone still do it with duvets now commonplace? I recall having my bed stripped on more than one occasion for some long forgotten misdemeanour Apple Pies?”

Chris Snuggs - Berners/Halls 58-65: “Well, they didn't bother much with sex education but made a big fuss about how to make one's bed!! It was not a lifeskill that I have found especially useful ... I vaguely remember the term "hospital corner" though .... not sure I ever mastered the technique but I somehow got away with it ....”

Bill Kitchen - Hansons 61-68: “Plenty of Apple Pies in our junior dorms in Hanson.”

Chris Snuggs - Berners/Halls 58-65: “I've forgotten: why 'apple pie'? Sounds like it should be cockney rhyming slang, but what for?”

Mark Frost - Hansons 71-77: “No idea either. Assumed it was something to do with the way pastry was folded when making said dessert.”

Chris Snuggs - Berners/Halls 58-65: “Merriam-Webster says: 'a bed in which as a joke the sheets are doubled like the cover of an apple turnover to prevent anyone from stretching at full length between them.'."

See also: http://www.finedictionary.com/Apple-pie%20bed.html

Bill Bourne - Corners 57-59: “The good old hospital corners. I remember. Still do them for bottom sheet.”

Grant Brewster - Hansons 72-79: “An essential lifeskill, on a par with being able to tie one's own shoelaces, unless you have chaps to do it for you.”

Allister Hutchings - Corners 64-67: “My dearly beloved is also a stickler at bed-making, using ONLY the hospital approved method. I have been banished from bed making duties forever. I attained this status by making the bed once in about 1989....”

Chris Snuggs - Berners/Halls 58-65: “Is this the 'pretend you're rubbish so you will never be asked to do it' ploy? Surprised she hasn't seen through that one! Mine did the first time I tried it!”

John Dawlings - Orwell 64-71: “And no doubt you bring home nothing but beer when sent out to do the grocery shopping.”

Daniel Dave O'Byrne - Johnstons 67-72: “I wish I had the self-discipline to make my own bed every morning. At present it's a wonderful knot of sheets and blankets (I've gone off duvets). Makes going to bed at night rather like tunnelling with my feet to escape Stalag 16.”

Mark Frost - Hansons 71-77: “A man in need of a ticking off from Matron!”

Daniel Dave O'Byrne - Johnstons 67-72: "Story of my life alas. I did live with a matronly woman for 5 years - didn't work out I'm afraid. One of the things that leaving WH at 16 meant was that a lot of those enforced routines, like making of bed, vanished out of my life. My hippy spirit was rebelling against those routines for quite a few years, still are in minor ways. C'est la vie.”

Thomas Newsham - Johnstons 54-59: “It has been said by "experts" that an unmade bed is a deterrent to bed bugs. I've never been bothered by a bug so perhaps it is true!!”

Chris Snuggs - Berners/Halls 58-65: "No bug wishing to survive would take on 'the best forward I ever coached at WHS.'” (Taffy)

Chris Hopkirk - Halls 72-79: “Never forgotten it; drives my wife mad when I point this out. Bit difficult now we don’t have sheets.”

Simon Rodger - Halls - 75-81: “Still doing them 46 years later. Oh f... Have just seen in black and white that it is 46 years since I went to WH .....”

Jon Kemp - Corners 73-80: “I always found that one of the worst punishments. Make your bed, now strip it. Make it, strip it ....”

Mark Frost - Hansons 71-77: “Oh for a duvet in those days! Although getting a duvet into the sodding cover with all the poppers and/or buttons could be equally tortuous.”

Daniel Dave O'Byrne - Johnstons 67-72: “Must check out Youtube on how to use the "roll" method on the duvet cover. Not tried it myself yet, will at some point - it's good to have something to look forward to!”

Chris Snuggs - Berners/Halls 58-65: “You have to locate the corners of the duvet cover, pinch each one in a hand, scrunch the cover up, then insert two duvet corners of one END of the duvet into the pinched corner of the cover then hold the whole thing up vertically and shake it all about so that the cover drops down from each pinched corner. The poppers and/or buttons giving Mark the shivers are a doddle once the duvet and its cover are matched in symmetrical harmony the right way round.”

I didn't mention making sure the duvet cover is not inside out before you start the pinching process as I thought that would come under 'Bleedin' Obvious', but on second thoughts, this is WHS OBs we are talking about! I think I will do a Youtube Training Video for this as there is obviously a need among WHS OBs .... Suggestions for other training videos welcome. Polishing shoes? Doing the washing-up? Cleaning rugger boots? Disposing of fag-ends to leave no traces?

Mark Frost - Hansons 71-77: “Chris - are you now sleeping on a rock hard Japanese futon that has to be rolled up every morning to allow a breakfast table to be laid?”

Chris Snuggs - Berners/Halls 58-65: "Our little house is like a British embassy: a small area of British territory where local rules do not apply, EXCEPT that my wife insists I take off my shoes in the porch and put on house-slippers. They are fanatical about that in Japan. So in our house we have normal beds - all from the nearby IKEA! What you refer to is how one expects to sleep when one goes touristing. Standard hotels have normal beds, but many guesthouses and smaller hotels do indeed do the rollup futon thing. Probably good for one; they say a soft mattress is not good for the back. The futon IS, however, a bloody sight harder to rise from in the morning!"

Louis Parperis - Orwell 63-70: “Cue Beryl Evans to Ceri Howell: 'Howell, if you don’t start making your bed properly, you and I are going to fall out!'”

Chris Snuggs - Berners/Halls 58-65: “Unfortunately, I do not recall any Sunday morning insector telling me that as I had made my bed I would have to lie in it, but that would have been quite funny. I remember Dick Woollett and Hassell-Smith doing Sunday morning inspections in Halls. Not sure if Taffy ever did them - can't remember ....”

Wayne Sullivan - Hansons 72-79: “Hospital corners! Had to do them in the Royal Marines as well!!”

Bill Bourne - Corners 57-59: “I also remember having to polish my shoes - don't think I ever did that again after leaving school.”

Mark Frost - Hansons 71-77: “What? No more tins of Kiwi or Cherry Blossom or Parade Gloss? How did you manage that?”

Bill Bourne - Corners 57-59: “Sheer laziness. But I do remember some people taking immense pride in their shiny toecaps.”

Mark Frost - Hansons 71-77: “Bill - your post made me go and find my Woolvo shoe bag and brush. Never had to buy another. I guess they never wear out.”

Chris Snuggs - Berners/Halls 58-65: “I fear that our shoebags and other realia will outlive us. Can't we get a time-capsule, fill it with memorabila and bury it somewhere? Next to dear Old Jock on Orwell Side perhaps? Let's give future archaeologists something to think about!!”

Trevor Prior - Halls 73-80: “Ha ha hospital corners - still do it and have taught the whole family.”

Philip Hart - Orwell 77-82: “So do I. If it’s made right, you sleep well at night!”

David Waterhouse - Corners 58-61: “My bed-making skills were honed as an army apprentice. These days there isn't the need but I'm still a dab hand at wrapping Christmas presents, which involves a very similar skillset.”

Philip Hart - Orwell 77-82: “And so much Sellotape the grandchildren can't open their presents.”