I have just completed profiles for all WHS Non-Teaching Staff mentioned in "Janus" plus others gleaned from various sources after "Janus" ceased publication in 1977. This exercise renewed my long-standing admiration for the symbiosis between school and NTS. As Jock Cromarty so nobly said in his post in the last "Janus" in 1977, we could not have done it without them. The cooperation between the local community and the school was quite moving - and useful! We were a valuable source of income for four decades: a wonderful thing after the apparent initial local fears about a bunch of borstal kids being sent up to Woolverstone! It didn't take long to set them straight on that!
Many worked for and at the school for well over a decade. They were invariably patient, courteous and almost always extremely kind and helpful to the boys - some exceptionally so. The medical staff and facilities were superb, as were the kitchens - and while one took it for granted at the time the gardens and grounds were always immaculate. AND I never remember arriving at a cold Nissen hut, where the stokers got up early to light the central fires!
So thank you, Woolverstone people - plus others from a bit futher afield. You were the best.
