
Latin? I knew none before going to WHS except a few snippets picked up in the Billy Bunter stories I used to love, along with Biggles, Jennings, Just William and so on. At WHS we did of course ask ourselves "What's the point of latin?" but it was new and inteesting and even at 11 one can understand the connection to our past and language.

I only ever had Brian Middlebrook for latin, a most exceedingly kind and gentle man who later became a CofE vicar I believe. The lessons were challenging but interesting. I think we could have studied the great philosophers more and concentrated less on the actual language - which to be honest we would never need, but it was what it was - driven by exam demands of course. I enjoyed it and eventually got a 2 at "O" Level. I would have liked to continue with it but we could only do three "A" Level subjects, and I did French, German and English. I was also very sad to have to give up physics & biology: nothing is more fascinating than to study how the universe works. Frankly, the Continental system where one does more subjects after 16 is better.

Anyway, I noticed the article referred to in the graphic below and felt it to be worthy of comment.

WOW! I got a "2" on this latin "O" Level paper in 1963,
but if I did it today I wouldn't even register on the scale